Do we need to wait for Super Tuesday?
Published on February 18, 2004 By Larry Kuperman In Democrat
So, Dean is done. Amazing that so many, including me, hailed him as the candidate. He didn't win one primary. He did galvanize the party and attract a lot of interest, but in the end didn't have "the right stuff."

It now appears that Kerry will go into Super Tuesday as the Candidate Apparent. Interestingly, with both Clark and Dean out of the race, Edwards seems to have picked up momentum. In one poll, 75% of the Wisconsin voters that voted for Edwards said that they had made up their minds in the last 72 hours before the primary. It looks like he benefited the most from the early exits of Dean and Clark.

Bush seems very vulnerable. Every day the White House seems to shot itself in the foot. Today the White House backed down from predicting the creation of 2.6 million new jobs, saying that George Bush was "no statistician." Sorry, but that kind of gaff would have me looking for a new Press Secretary. The White House seems to be making every effort to lose this election.

The polls, and these are dubious at best this early in a campaign, say that either Kerry or Edwards could beat President Bush. I still think that the Democrats need a "consensus candidate. Either a clear winner in the primaries or a unity ticket with Kerry and Edwards.

One thing for certain, this will be an exciting race.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 19, 2004
To answer your question, I think he is. [see my blog "Wisconsin weirdos?"] The pundits carried on as though Edwards had won because this was the first time since Iowa that Kerry hadn't won by double digits or more. I believe he has shown to be the candidate who can win predominantly as he canvassed all states, not cherry picking.
on Feb 19, 2004
I wonder with all the attention to Democratic polling how accurate the count of Bush supporters can be. I understand that the exit polls are pretty good, but when they are posing Kerry vs. Bush and the like, I suppose they are basing it on telephone polling? It seems that the grass roots Democrats would be far more motivated because of the primaries than their Republican counterparts. The same would not be true come November.

I dunno, as pessimistic as I usually am, I have a hard time believing Kerry has already spawned more popularity from those on the left-leaning-right than Gore did during the 2000 election itself. If anything perhaps the high Kerry numbers will motivate wallflower Republicans.
on Feb 19, 2004
No I don't think Kerry is the man at all. I predict edwards will now surge ahead of Kerry as he should have long aga if Dean Clark and all the other streighs would have gotten out weeks ago as they should have.
Theres no way Kerry will win over Bush. If anyone has a chance to beat him its John Edwards. Although I like Bush a great deal, I would be very tempted to vote for Edwards but I would not even think about voting for Kerry. What are the Democrats thinking anyway?
on Feb 19, 2004
Just something else to ponder about Kerry... Only about 8% of the voters who will vote in November are voting in the caucuses and what have you right now. Kerry is not even getting 50% of that 8%.
If he gets the nomination, it won't even be close come November. GCJ
on Feb 19, 2004
Thanks for the blog. It is true Kerry will win the election and people were premature in calling it an insurmountable challenge to unseat this incumbent Republican. I saw Dean as the choice until he made a fatal error in an interview in which he said he would reign in the powers of the television media if elected. It was the next day that the first television of his being mentally unstable and such began to appear.

He was as electable as any other Candidate (to be elected means get the most votes which is decided by the Americans not the media opinion of him, so everyone is 'electable' just not endorsed by the television 'controlled-media'. This is why this Candidate, who clearly has a record of success and displayed integrity throughout his campaign, will not be allowed to be chosen by the powers that be.

A vote for Kerry, in my opinion, is like a vote for Clinton. I despised Clinton and told people I wouldn't vote for him if you put a gun to my head. To average Dems. Clinton could do no wrong, and Republicans view Bush the same way; both are wrong. But Kerry is,"... a perpatuation of the 2 party system, where image takes precedence over wisdom. Where sound byte politics are served to the fast-food culture. Where straight teeth in your mouth are more important than the words which come out of it."(disposable heroes of hihoprisy). He will perpetuate the same and ALL Americans will be betrayed by a known 'politician within the system which creates, then institutionalizes our social and financial problems.

Edwards is the one surprise and good thing to come out of it all. He opposes NAFTA and GATT now, which is THE MOST SIGNIFICANT SOLUTION TO AMERICAS ECONOMIC SUFFERING. He will be chosen as the V.P. and has a lot of drive for his future, which most, even myself, discounted as just a dry run a month ago. He will deliver the South and with it the presidency to Kerry by November.

Bush will be dragged down by his V.P. who he is delaying getting rid of too long. Powell will lose some southern votes (he'll choose Powell as new V.P.) just on skin color, as Republicans have become the party of racism under the opinionated leadership of men such as Rush Limbaugh, and so they are mis-led into believing Afro Americans are lazy, welfare abusers, and not REAL Republicans having rights to things such as Representation due to taxation (as in D.C.). This common-view of Republicans as racists will be used against them, ala Judge Thomas, like a bludgeon. (HOpe we insight some feedback on this point).

One terrorist attack and Bush will shoot back up in the polls though. There is great discussion of his doing this and how he will pull it off, some actually believing he is the type of person who would do anything to win, given his exposing a woman to risk of loss of life in retaliation for her husband truthfully exposing he had bad intelligence as to Iraq.

Economically, Bush is anti-American worker it is true. This is clear to even Republican voters and will only be worse by November, as the dollar can only be so worthless before one must do something about it, like start inflation's engine again. I think it is a deliberate act set up to create a new dollar, tied to the EU note, and then used to replace the American dollar shortly thereafter. Not all of us are un-informed and think this New World Order is something coming, but are in the midst of suffering under now, and we hit the changes pretty consistently now that we have a bead on the lead players in it.

Sadly, both Bush and Kerry are Skull & Bones, and will not betray' their frat Brother and even discuss the relationship. While Americans are concerned for vows taken with a wife, there is no good reason to not discuss the vows between Bush and frat brother, Kerry, to my way of seeing things. It's not that there is even anything to it, as much as appearnace of impropriety it puts out. Voting for brother Bush or Brother Kerry is not really a choice, when they are across the board alike on issues, is it?
on Feb 19, 2004
Wahkonta Anathema

"He will perpetuate the same and ALL Americans will be betrayed by a known 'politician within the system which creates, then institutionalizes our social and financial problems."

Why does this remind me of Nostradamus? Do you have a citation for this prediction?

"He will be chosen as the V.P. and has a lot of drive for his future"

According to a recent interview, Kerry said that offering Edwards the nomination wasn't on the table.

"Bush will be dragged down by his V.P. who he is delaying getting rid of too long."

The talk of Cheney not being on the ticket is just rumor. I doubt seriously that Powell would take the V.P. job if it was given him. I see very little that tells me voters would be overly influenced either way.

"as Republicans have become the party of racism"

Hmm, whaaa? I don't think that even deserves a response.

"under the opinionated leadership of men such as Rush Limbaugh"

Leadership? Do you think that people who have leadership power in political parties do talk radio, much less be influenced by it? Pfft. Rush is so ten years ago. I don't know any Republicans that look to him for inspiration any more.

"This common-view of Republicans as racists will be used against them..."

By who? Do you really think that anyone in the mainstream Democratic Party would even think of uttering that Republicans, even the Bush administration alone is racist?

"I think it is a deliberate act set up to create a new dollar, tied to the EU note, and then used to replace the American dollar shortly thereafter."

Are there black UN helicopters involved? This makes *zero* sense.

"Sadly, both Bush and Kerry are Skull & Bones"

There are Black UN helicopters in there, aren't there...

"Voting for brother Bush or Brother Kerry is not really a choice, when they are across the board alike on issues, is it?"

And as all paranoid tirades end, so does this one. After a long description of how the world is going to hell, you have the summation that there is really nothing to do about it because the 'dark lords' or whoever have it all sewn up anyway. Geez. This kind of post scares me, and for none of the reasons you intend.

on Feb 19, 2004
Give me a break. I actually supported Kerry here in Iowa, but I am starting to back down. I knew, even at the time that his 'special interest' focus would blow up in his face.

Some of the predictions by Wahkonta Anathema are terribly outlandish. Powell would never take the vice presidency. Besides, if Bush ditches Cheney now, it will be perceived that Bush admits that Cheney is a corupt individual. Can't happen. And who is gonna target the GOP about being racist. Expecially in your formula. Attacking them on race with a black V.P.? Doesn't make any sense.

Kerry is in trouble IMHO. The dirt is starting to fly and as a member of the US Senate for 19 yrs, they will find plenty of it. The Bush propaganda machine is starting to roll. 100 Million +. They are just sitting back with all this ammunition. Looking back, I should of went with Edwards, because I now beleive he is the most electable. Kerry is an easy target for the GOP. Another Liberal Mass. Democrat. It is too hard. Edwards charisma appeals to the swing voters, the south, and the lower and middle classes. John Kerry would make a good president IMO, just not sure how electable he really is.
on Feb 19, 2004
Interesting gallop poll shown on CNN yesterday, among likely voters, when given the choice between Bush and Kerry 55% chose Kerry to 44% for Bush. Between Bush and Edwards it was 54% Edwards and 44% Bush. With a statistical error of +/- 4%

on Feb 19, 2004
Baker Street: I try to stay on issue in the blog article, and some of what I said is indeed for effect - see it worked, thank you.

In November it was Black Helicopter rant to say ANY Democrat could win. Yet in November I said Bush would lose and as time went on, he'd do the move patented by his father, "The Bush Dive".
As for the dollar, that is a done deal. Can't make you be on the front page or get to the edge of what is REALLY going on. My credibility on calls speaks for itself. I don't claim prophecy powers and am not omnipotent. I am, however, informed and so can stay ahead of the curve on such glaringly clear moves such as what they are deliberately doing to our curency. Of course, to understand as I do, one must first accept the thesis that economic conditions are 'controlled' and not some flailing free-market, do as it may system. Crazy thought too for ya isn't it? Go study the same move in currency done by Japan recently to begin to learn on this. Talk to ya when you get up to speed.

Powell will take the V.P. as he is America's soldier and Cheney is going to end up in jail or barred from doing business, for his off-shore accounting practices, and bed-wetting with Haliburton. This is coming out in a steady flow which tells me Bush-Cheney are done and the powers that be have spoken. Powell will do anything his controllers tell him to. Can you think of some principle he has left to NOT compromise that would stop him from 'serving' Bush if asked?

The Skull& Bones Fraternity is well known and even mentioned by Kerry and Bush on television and radio, and is in print media. If you are so un-informed as to still not be checking out such information, that is your lack of knowledge. If I told you the world is three-dimensional, not flat, does that give you problems too. You display your lack of understanding of your own Candidate with such denial. Again, go read then come back to tell us how you THINK, not how you FEEL about replies. Scared?

Jebblackstar: Thanks for posting the poll. It shows how badly Bush is now losing and sliding fast. I still think he's cashing in and is deliberately losing, but, as I say, I could be wrong and he is just inept and not able to understand what Americans care about. Maybe he just despises the lowly middle-class and those who go and fight wars when their country calls them. He is out of touch to say the least.

Republicans are being forced to support an unpopular Administration whose leader is, on an almost daily basis, betraying each of his campaign promises to them. Short of concocting another 9/11 scenario, I think he is going down and doing so intentionally with the 200 million he's gotten to be re-elected. Maybe Diebold, the company who makes the vote machines they'll use, (and contribute heavily to Republicans) have it all figured out for Bush so he can do as he wishes. Hey, he did it in 2000, overruling the majority of American voters choice for President by his control of the Supreme Court and Diebold.

In any event America is going to drop Bush like a bad habit this spring. When Republicans find he can't compete in the realm of ideas with quotes like, "We have to make the pie higher." (go to my archive and find list of his silliness. This one was how he convinced Republicans in the primary in AZ. debate in 2000 he was a Republican who was smart enough to represent them), they'll do as my brother did after he campaigned for Nixon, devoting days of his life to support him, only to today deny it in his philosophy classes out west.

They'll be like, "I hated Bush". And we'll be like, "We did too. So who'd you vote for? And they'lll be like, " I didnt even vote that day." And we'll be like, "Hooray." We'll send him home in a black helicopter.

on Feb 19, 2004
Wahkonta Anathema: it isn't what you say, it is the conclusions you draw from it.

- I'm not arguing the existence of a Skull & Bones Fraternity ( though I wish you would post links to the interviews where the two candidates speak of it, if indeed there are any ), but I AM in serious doubt that it is some behind-the-scenes, clandestine organization with the power to fix an election. It isn't the black helicopters that make people kooks, it is what they imagine they are up to.

- I never said that currency wasn't controlled, but I find it sadly paranoid to think that in the next few years we will be doing away with the dollar in favor of an "a new dollar, tied to the EU note". It's silly, frankly. Again, substantiate, substantiate, substantiate. Talk to ya when you learn to cite some proof of your prognostication.

- You don't know what will happen with Cheney, you state nothing to back up what you pretend to "know". If you get accused of sounding like you are spouting prophesy, it is sort of because you are. You aren't saying that something MIGHT happen, you are practically giving dates and times. I don't believe for a second that Powell has "controllers", and even your choice of word speaks of dark conspiracies. Who exactly are Powell's controllers? Rush Limbaugh and the KKK?

If you are ahead of the curve, please, feel free to substantiate your claims by citing something other than messageboards. Your word is not enough, sorry. A lot of your predictions are in the near future, and your predictions will be here. In the strange event things don't pan out for ya, I hope you'll be willing to let us know why (with a few citations, maybe?).
on Feb 19, 2004
Let's get out of the way and let the blog go on Mr. Baker Street. I hear you often call me to cite. Given my prolific work, I really don't have time to appease each request. I do as people wish to be informed, but not as it serves to distract me from posting info. for my site and archive. Send me an e-mail address to: and ask for links and I'll see what I can do. I will go ahead and put the link to Kerry's quote on S&B, Bush's listing on it, and a link to Japan currency which is model being used in America now. Powell goes back as boodle boy in clearing the 'my lai massacre'; you'll just have to read on him more thoroughly. The dollar won't be able to slide much further, and so the change should occur late this year or early next. (Watch for a pick up in inflation as an indicator of the time.) It may be part of the reason a Democrat is now being put back in the "front" office, as a Republican would have more difficulty getting it done. 'They' (ah, the illusory 'they' again) used Clinton to pass the Republican NAFTA and GATT bills too, so it may well be an element for Bush going down in flames as he is. I'll get off your blog now mr. Kuperman.
on Feb 19, 2004

on Feb 19, 2004
Of course, Kerry actually was in Vietnam, while Bush wasn't.

on Feb 19, 2004

It made a mockery of our flag and the heros who raised it over Iwo Jima
on Feb 19, 2004
Protesting is a mockery? One of the constitutionally protected rights we all have is to protest actions of our government. And comparing Iwo Jima to the situation in Vietnam is foolhardy at best.

First off, the Japanese attacked the Americans, the North Vietnamese attacked the French, not us, it was only after America became involved in a colonial war, acting much like the Hessen mercenaries hired by the British in the American Revolutionary War that Americans became a "target".

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