As Defined By Hamas
Published on April 17, 2006 By Larry Kuperman In Current Events
Whether for an individual, a nation or a people, there is no right more fundamental than the right of self-defense. We need to be able to defend ourselves in order to be able to excercise any other rights.

Wikipedia defines self-defense as "Self-defense refers to actions taken by a person to defend onself, one's property or one's home."

Now we get to the part where I can only offer SARCASM.

Hamas exercised its' "right" to defend itself by murdering 9 people and injuring almost 50 others that had threatened Hamas by.......EATING LUNCH AT A FELAFEL STAND IN TEL AVIV! Surely one can see how such actions pose a clear and present danger to Hamas and the Palestinian people!

Not clear to you how Hamas was endangered by innocent people eating lunch outside? Allow me to quote Hamas' response to the act.

Hamas official spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri called the attack "a natural result of the continued Israeli crimes against our people."

"The Israeli occupation bears responsibility for the continuation of its aggression. Our people are in a state of self-defence and they have every right to use all means to defend themselves," he added.

No, I am not kidding, Hamas really said that. I didn't catch it on Al Jazeera and I do wonder if anyone could say such a thing with a straight face, but there it is.

Once again, Hamas has acted to derail any attempt at a peace process. Interim Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert responded to the blast by saying "We will know how to respond in the way and manner required, and we will continue to act with all means at our disposal to thwart further such incidents." As head of the newly empowered Kadima Party, Olmert has a mandate to seek new paths to peace, but what other response could he make? You can't ignore such attacks.

Hamas is recently enriched by promises of $50 million in cash from both Iran and Qatar. Amazing that Iran was able to scrape such an amount up, considering that there is such an oil shortage in that country that they need nuclear power, but they are a most charitable country.

So there we have it, a new definition of self-defense. We used to call such actions "unprovoked acts of war" but self-defense sounds so much better.

on Apr 17, 2006
I read that.  Now I wait to see the justification others are going to give for that pile of bullescheisse.
on Apr 17, 2006
Thanks for commenting. After I wrote this it occurred to me that no one will do a thing about it. Most won't even care.
on Apr 17, 2006

After I wrote this it occurred to me that no one will do a thing about it. Most won't even care.

In doing, if you mean demonstrating, no.  If doing, as in not buying the BS shoveled by the defenders of Hamas, yes it will.

on Apr 17, 2006
If only radiaton was not so pervasive, Israel could just use one of its many nukes and solve the "PALISTINIAN QUESTION"
on Apr 17, 2006
Of course it's "self defense". Any one of those innocent people could have been a threat at some point.
on Apr 17, 2006
Dr. Guy, thanks for all the support, now and in the past.

MM, I won't use such language....EVER. You are free to do so, of course. But not me.

Mason, you need to label sarcasm. (I hope that it, it must be.)
on Apr 17, 2006
on Apr 17, 2006
#6 by Larry Kuperman
Monday, April 17, 2006

Larry my brudda, until us Jews are willing to step up and go further than we have historically done before, Jews will be continued to be persecuted, killed, maimed, and on and on, we must go one step further than anyone else goes till it becomes to costly to mess with Jews.

on Apr 17, 2006
Dont you sometimes get tired when you hear all the crap they keep vomiting to worldwide medias???
It sounds like they just want Israelits to hate them a little more and kick the shit out of them so that they can later say to the rest of the world that Israel is a mean bad country...GRRR!!!!
on Apr 18, 2006
Self-defense only works one-way, though. What would Hamas suggest, I wonder, for Israel to do in self-defense?

Imagine, if you will, Israelis starting to sneak into the Palestinian territories and blowing themselves up at bars, weddings, etc. What, exactly would Hamas call "self defense" at that point? Hamas just considers suicide bombing less cowardly than a missile strike because they can talk teenagers into putting THEIR money where their mouth is.

It amazes me; sometimes I think this is a big moral trial for Israel. No other nation in the history of mankind has been given more excuses to commit genocide. After the ordeal in the 30's and 40's, juxtaposing Germany and modern Israel, I don't think that had Germany been suffering the kind of attacks Israel suffers anyone would have raised an eyebrow at genocide.

But this is a different time. We can't call the cossacks and have a massacre when we find an unsolvable problem. The problem is we have a nation full of bad guys who are now the eternal victim, and who can lash out and cry foul when someone returns fire. The only answer is a total end of the Palestinian culture of hate and death. Whether or not that can be done without another blotch on history remains to be seen.
on Apr 18, 2006
I was once told...."There is no such thing as self defense as long as you can run away."