Does Anyone Care for the REAL Victims?
I just posted an article on the Hamas' supported attack on civilians eating lunch in Tel Aviv and, while it made me feel better, it occured to me that nothing will come of it. I added the link, read it if you want, but in the end it hardly matters.
There will be no marchs, no protests outside the Palestinian embassy, Cindy Sheehan won't camp on the President's door step demanding action. Oh, the usual people will make the usual remarks about condemning "violence against civilians" making sure to equate Israel going after terrorists with Palestinians murdering children. The US will warn Israel about retaliation, because the peace process is "going so well."
France and Germany will continue to be anti-Israeli, becasue they are somehow sure that if Israel is destroyed the Arabs that live within their borders will go home. And of course because anti-Semitism has always been popular in those countries.
Teachers in America, like my daughter's 6th Grade teacher, will put quotes around "terrorist" organization when they talk about Hamas. As if the matter was open to debate. Please us it in a sentence" Hamas is a "terrorist" organization that sets off "bombs" that leave people "dead."
If I walk around Ann Arbor or any liberal community with a sign that says "Bush is a murderer" I am okay. If I walk around with a sign that says "Hamas are murderers" I am a racist.
Even the Pope stopped short of calling Hamas out. At the Easter Mass yesterday he said ""May the international community, which reaffirms Israel's just right to exist in peace, assist the Palestinian people to overcome the precarious conditions in which they live and to build their future, moving toward the constitution of a state which is truly their own." It would be so bad to say "We condemn suicide bombers and all who support them?" A suicide bombing seems to be two sins in one to me.
Is it too obvious to say that if civilized people refuse to condemn the murderers that they won't stop?