Does Anyone Care for the REAL Victims?
Published on April 17, 2006 By Larry Kuperman In Current Events
I just posted an article on the Hamas' supported attack on civilians eating lunch in Tel Aviv and, while it made me feel better, it occured to me that nothing will come of it. I added the link, read it if you want, but in the end it hardly matters.

There will be no marchs, no protests outside the Palestinian embassy, Cindy Sheehan won't camp on the President's door step demanding action. Oh, the usual people will make the usual remarks about condemning "violence against civilians" making sure to equate Israel going after terrorists with Palestinians murdering children. The US will warn Israel about retaliation, because the peace process is "going so well."

France and Germany will continue to be anti-Israeli, becasue they are somehow sure that if Israel is destroyed the Arabs that live within their borders will go home. And of course because anti-Semitism has always been popular in those countries.

Teachers in America, like my daughter's 6th Grade teacher, will put quotes around "terrorist" organization when they talk about Hamas. As if the matter was open to debate. Please us it in a sentence" Hamas is a "terrorist" organization that sets off "bombs" that leave people "dead."

If I walk around Ann Arbor or any liberal community with a sign that says "Bush is a murderer" I am okay. If I walk around with a sign that says "Hamas are murderers" I am a racist.

Even the Pope stopped short of calling Hamas out. At the Easter Mass yesterday he said ""May the international community, which reaffirms Israel's just right to exist in peace, assist the Palestinian people to overcome the precarious conditions in which they live and to build their future, moving toward the constitution of a state which is truly their own." It would be so bad to say "We condemn suicide bombers and all who support them?" A suicide bombing seems to be two sins in one to me.

Is it too obvious to say that if civilized people refuse to condemn the murderers that they won't stop?

on Apr 17, 2006

It would be so bad to say "We condemn suicide bombers and all who support them?" A suicide bombing seems to be two sins in one to me.

You are dead on.  That is what he should have said.  That is not a condemnation of the Palestine people.  But a condemnation of a cowardly act.

on Apr 17, 2006
Cindy Sheehan (like the union your daughter's teacher probably belongs to) is part of the crowd that wants to see Isreal fade to black and just go 'way, already.
To condemn the suicide bombings and their perpetrators and enablers would be wrong, in their minds. That's the "Looking Glass" world of liberalism, sad as it is to say.

The "vast majority of peaceful Muslims", as I've heard them called, do absolutely nothing to raise protesting voices or stand against the mutants that use Islam and its tenets as weapons. That indicates, to me, that they all feel the same way.
on Apr 17, 2006
for amost 2000 years the sport of hating Jews and wanting them dead have been played out in most of civilized societies and some not so civilized.

The time changes but hating Jews goes on, and on, and on, and on............
on Apr 17, 2006
Rightwinger, you are both right and wrong. I abhor the New Liberalism that supports the murderers, the abusers of women, the ones that send their children out to kill and die.

But the conservatives are little better. Oh, the rhetoric is there. But 40 years before 9/11, the PLO was hijacking planes and throwing (Jewish) Americans off cruise ships. There were condemnations, but actions? No. The oil is too important, the money too significent.

I could post pictures of both Bushs and their Arab friends...which would be as meaningless as Carter and Arafat.

No one has done a thing about the real issues in a half century.
on Apr 17, 2006
But the conservatives are little better. Oh, the rhetoric is there. But 40 years before 9/11, the PLO was hijacking planes and throwing (Jewish) Americans off cruise ships. There were condemnations, but actions? No. The oil is too important, the money too significent.

You're forgetting....Reagan put a price on the head of the lead terrorist in the "cruise ship" incident, the Achille Lauro, and he was recently captured. Took twenty years, but they finally got him. Same with the plane bombing and crash in Lockerbie, Scotland. I believe they eventually caught the guys involveed in that, too.

I personally don't blame the Bush's for their Arab connections. They're in oil, after all, and when you lie down with dogs, the fleas jump on.

which would be as meaningless as Carter and Arafat.

No, that's much more meaningless, because Carter actually liked Arafat, and still points to it like it, and he (Carter himself), actually did anything worthwhile.
on Apr 17, 2006
Eh, perhaps you are right. It is a matter of degree, but maybe that degree is important.

I am tired and frustrated. The bombing story is already moving to the back pages.
on Apr 17, 2006
Those of us who do acknowledge the hateful, murderous Hamas for what it is have a perilous path to tread. In the end, whether you like to admit it or not, Palestinians support them. We can kill Hamas members, and others step up.

Palestinians vote them into office. Arabs in "friendly" nations march in support of them. Every dolt on this messageboard says "duh" and tells me that terrorism isn't a unified front since Iran really hates any organization that isn't Shia-based. That's why they of COURSE wouldn't help Sunni Al Qaeda members in hiding, or give millions to Hamas.

So, that's our final problem in the Middle East; the fact that all the scariest things people have downplayed are actually true. So, what kind of solution do you use to fix a "final problem"? Not a "final" one, not if you are human, and that is what we have to be careful about. We are facing a multi-national front made up of, literally, billions of people who now use quotes around the word terrorist.

I seem to remember a time when we faced a racist ideology enveloping a large part of the world, bent on the destruction of Jews and who in its beginning was the darling of the social set in all the best countries. If I recall we continued living in denial for some time, until finally it was almost too late. Then, finally, we felt justified to leave their nations in ruins without giving Tokyo Rose equal air time.

It is going to come to that again, I have little doubt. I just hope we don't wait so long, this time. Had we seen the future, we might have thought it reasonable to stoke our own ovens ahead of time and save the trouble and the awful loss of life. I think the only way for history to be clear on who the bad guy was is to be vigilant and learn from the past. The real war isn't with the people tossing the rocks and strapping on the bombs.
on Apr 17, 2006
BakeStreet, bless you for always being there. I mean that in a secular way, of course.
Did you have a chance to read my earlier article at

Not only Iran, but Qatar has contributed to the Hamas cause, bringing it to a nice round $100 million.

on Apr 17, 2006
The protest marchs are in France for more free ice cream

On a more serious note, how can we battle against fanatics?
on Apr 18, 2006
But a condemnation of a cowardly act.

Try killing yourself. It takes certain willpower to end your life since that's so anti-survival trait. Suicides don't get to breed.

Same time, not having to face consequences of the act IS cowardly.

I think it's funny that people think it's a sin to check out of living world by suicide.
on Apr 18, 2006
"Try killing yourself. It takes certain willpower to end your life since that's so anti-survival trait. Suicides don't get to breed."

Not for the brainwashed. Suicide is a staple among cults. If Jim Jones can talk hundreds of people into drinking his kool-aid with no "cause" other than his fantasies, how much easier would it be for the cult of quasi-islam to inject war and politics into religion and thereby make suicide bombing a sacrament?

Imagine being handed a poverty-ridden nation of 6 million or so, many of whom desperately hate their neighboring nation. Then imagine being handed hundreds of millions of dollars to play with, after having cemented your role in the aforementioned cult who portrays a martyr as a national hero. No, I don't think that it's such a stretch to kill yourself in such a culture.

From this point on, suicide bombings that originate in Israel should be considered acts of war. I'm not saying that there should be any liquidation of the people there, not in the least, but their leaders are fair game so long as they support the attacks morally. The instant they are found to be supporting them materially, well, I think they've given up their right to self rule.