IE7, Windows Live OneCare and Defender
In 2002, Bill Gates set security as Microsoft's top priority. With the introduction of IE7 (currently in Beta 2) and Windows Live OneCare, Microsoft has come a long way toward fulfilling that promise.
Why is it important that Microsoft has taken these steps? I have an anti-virus program that regularly updates itself, programs to protect me from adware and malware, a software firewall and a (relatively) secure browser for some time. Most power-users have these protections. But guess what? MOST PEOPLE DON'T. Most people are content with whatever software their PC comes with and don't understand the need to protect themselves. Hopefully, this will increase the overall level of security on the Internet.
Both products are still in Beta and won't be fully flushed out until the release of Windows Vista later this year, but they both offer significant security features that will reduce risk. IE7 has greatly improved security designed to protect users against malicious software and offer protection from fraudulent websites and online phishing scams. ActiveX Opt-In disables nearly all pre-installed ActiveX controls by default to prevent potentially vulnerable controls from being exposed to attack. Security badges and color coding notifications next to the address bar make it easier for users to know if a site is suspicious or safe. There is a built-in Phishing filter. When Vista is released, IE7 will offer a protected mode and parental controls. For a full list of security features visit Link
Windows OneCare is a suite of utilities including anti-virus, anti-spyware and firewall. OneCare Backup lets you to copy your important files and settings to CDs, DVDs, or to an external hard disk. Tune-up offers defragmentation, automatic virus scan and clean-up. OneCare automatically updates your anti-virus and firewall definitions to keep you up to date and works with Windows update to provide a more secure experience. You can also check for updates manually with one click.
Windows Defender is the security portion of the OneCare suite and provides anti-virus, anti-spyware and protection against pop-ups. You can also use it stand-alone.
I have been using OneCare for a few days now and found it not to be resource intensive.
Right now you can try the OneCare Beta for free and if you elect to subscribe cover three PCs for a one year subscription for only $19.95. The offer expires April 30th so time is of the essence. (Open to US Residents only.) There is no charge for IE7.
The products are good and likely to get better.
IE7 can be found at Link
Windows Live OneCare is at Link
Windows Defender is available from Link