Browser Wars- Part II
Published on May 3, 2006 By Larry Kuperman In Internet
Google has filed a complaint with the US Department of Justice and the European Union, complaining that IE7, which uses MSN as the default search engine, will give Microsoft an unfair advantage. Since Google is the default search engine for both Firefox and Opera, and pays those organizations for that position, in essence Google is complaining that Microsoft is acting like...well, like Google.

The complaint is reminescent of Netscape and Real's complaint against Microsoft in the 1990's. Both complaints alleged that Microsoft was abusing its position as a monopoly.

From a user perspective, the complaint is without merit. You can change the default browser in IE7 in two clicks. As easily as you can change the default setting in Firefox, which is in fact the Google browser, since Google pays the salaries of the lead developers?

You have to ask what Sergey and Larry (co-founders of Google) hope to gain. Do they want to mire Microsoft in endless litigation again? Do they want to delay the release of Vista, where IE7 is a critical feature?

What will Microsoft do by way of response? Rumor has it that Microsoft is seeking a deal with Yahoo! Smart move. If Microsoft offered Yahoo! as the default (or even threatened to do so) and could financially benefit from Yahoo! searches...well, that would be that.

Sometimes technology companies sue because of real infringements. Sometimes they sue to prevent the release of competing or superior technologies. In the later case, it is the consumer that suffers.

For my IE7 Beta 2 review, click here: Link

on May 04, 2006
Google is complaining that Microsoft is acting like...well, like Google.

Exactly....and I hope Google goes down in a fiery ball of flames. You can bet that if Google were to develop its own browser, Google would set itself as the default search engine....possibly leaving users to add any others they may use themselves.

It's not like MS excluded others and made MSN the only search engine in IE7, so I can't see that Google has a leg to stand on, given it has a greater user base over MSN and Yahoo.
on May 04, 2006
Hiya, Starkers. You get the gist and others do to.

"Google's attempt to use the US and European legal systems for competitive advantage -- a trick also used by the failing Netscape -- seems to have attracted more than a little derision. Many comments suggest Google is using double standards, epecially since it uses its own browser -- since that's basically what Firefox is, now -- in the same way."
- Source: Link

"Amazon has ended its relationship with Google and is now using MSN to provide search results on its site. A9 runs as a standalone site offering book, news, web and wikipedia searches, and provides the technology behind searches on - which were previously "powered by Google". Results will now be provided by Windows Live Search. The change is a big win for Microsoft which usually trails behind Google and Yahoo! in web searches.
MS is widely expected to go head-to-head with Google with the release of Vista and IE7."
- Source: Link

Google's empire (and the company's value is somewhere around $100 billion, qulaifying as an empire in my book) is based on technological superiority, not lawsuits. The company should remember its motto "Don't be evil."
on May 04, 2006
Microsoft has already stated it was gunning for google, and this is just the latest step in that direction.  Google does not fear the MSN search engine, they do fear Microsoft using their monopoly on them and becoming a Netscape.  Anyone who has a going concern in the tech field that competes with microsoft who does not fear them doing just that, are fools.  To that end, this is just the opening buckshot in what google will be firing in all directions, hoping some of the pellets strike home.  Do not be surprised to see blood drawn in Europe.
on May 04, 2006

It's well beyond time that Google was knocked down a peg or two.

It's bad enough that an 'information engine' can redirect and modify your perception of the 'truth that is out there', but to start believing in their own omnipotence is, to put it bluntly 'masturbation'.

"Don't be evil' should have a subtitle.....'Don't be wankers'....

on May 04, 2006
"Don't be evil, you bloody wankers."
on May 04, 2006
but to start believing in their own omnipotence is, to put it bluntly 'masturbation'.

Well said, Jafo.........and I agree, Google needs knocking down a peg or 6.

They're already wanking all over the world, and with Google Earth in being in direct competition with NASA's programs, it's fairly obvious they wanna conquer space as well. Look out SETI, Googles on yer heels to find alien intelligence first...and Mel Brooks (Spaceballs), when Google has finished with MS, they'll be a gunnin' fer you too. Ya just shouldna been the first joke monopoly in space.
on May 05, 2006
I am reading "The Google Story" and it is really interesting watching the company evolve.

I also recommend reading this article from Google-watch entitled "Google as Big Brother": Link

It was from 2003, but it will cause you to lose sleep.
on May 05, 2006
It was from 2003, but it will cause you to lose sleep.

Slimy bastards, aren't they! Never liked Google to begin with, but when I read they implant cookies on users HD's that last 'til 2019, and covertly update their (supposedly free) toolbar, I like them even less. Can't see how it could be free....there has to be some associated costs/risks involved when Google updates it (with who knows what) and has it phone home results of its data mining.

I do not use Google products/services....just don't trust 'em....less so after reading the linked article.
on May 06, 2006
The toolbar is you. Their (Google's) income is derived from purchases made based on queries through the toolbar.

Let's say Jafo needs to buy a new Wombat. He types "Wombat" into the Google toolbar and gets results. He spies "Koop's Gently Used Wombat Emporium" on the sidebar, a place of prominence. Visits my site, finds a wombat to his liking and we do the deal. Google gets a peice of the Wombat action. If Jafo downloaded the Google toolbar through Firefox (in other words, it was bundled with his free download) I owe Google a few sheckels for the referral, they in turn owe Firefox some portion. Everyone is happy.
on May 11, 2006
Hmmmm, great suggestion, been needin a new Wombat....gotta go check em out....maybe the new turbo model is available...
on May 11, 2006
Hmmmm, great suggestion, been needin a new Wombat....gotta go check em out....maybe the new turbo model is available...
on May 11, 2006
The toolbar is you.

Until it phones home with data related to my online searches, for the purpose of bombarding me with advertising I neither want or need. The intent is that I spend money....hardly free, considering the cash they'd like me to part with.

Let's say Jafo needs to buy a new Wombat.

Actually, Jafo would cut out the middlemen and take a short drive down his backyard if he needed a 'gently used wombat'....rather than import one from the U.S.
Think he's more into sheep, tho.....they make better Ugg boots

Hmmmm, great suggestion, been needin a new Wombat....gotta go check em out....maybe the new turbo model is available...

All wombats can be turbo charged, given enough beer