Refutes Charges
Published on July 17, 2007 By Larry Kuperman In Politics
Family values oriented Republican Sen. David Vitter of New Orleans, accompanied by his wife, has refuted charges that he had relationships with New Orleans prostitutes. He did not deny that he may have relations with prostitutes in Washington D.C., where his name appears in the telephone records of the "D.C. Madams" escort service.

We aren't sure about New York or Los Angeles or Vegas.

But never in New Orleans.

At least not while he was sober.

I mean Sen. Vitter is a family guy. Sure having sex with prostitutes might be considered "wrong" and Sen. Vitter might have served his constituency better by, oh I don't know maybe getting New Orleans rebuilt, but he is willing to go on any number of "business trips" so that he can have a little fun away from his wife, without her knowing. If that is not a "family value" I don't know what is.

Besides that, you should re-elect Sen. Vitter because "Several years ago, I asked for and received forgiveness from God and from my wife in confession and marriage counseling."

If Jesus has forgiven him, can the voters do any less?

on Jul 17, 2007
You know what would be REALLY COOL? If while one of these hypocrites was in front of the camera tap dancing their way out of trouble, a bolt of lightning came down and smote them.

I don't care if it was fake, get Spielberg on it, but that would get a lot more people to watch the news.

Then the wife could brush her hair and walk off to the tune of "Serves You Right to Suffer."
on Jul 17, 2007

I mean Sen. Vitter is a family guy. Sure having sex with prostitutes might be considered "wrong" and Sen. Vitter might have served his constituency better by, oh I don't know maybe getting New Orleans rebuilt, but he is willing to go on any number of "business trips" so that he can have a little fun away from his wife, without her knowing. If that is not a "family value" I don't know what is.

At least now I know why Mardi Gras was the first thing to be brought back to New Orleans. I mean, forget about helping those who are homeless due to the storm. Mardi Gras is more important, right? How can we all live and survive without the beeds and breast that Mardi Gras offers.