CNN Poll Results
Published on June 7, 2004 By Larry Kuperman In International
I saw a poll on CNN asking readers to choose our greatest President. With 110,000 votes in, the results were:

Washington 13% 14384 votes

Lincoln 33% 36171 votes

F.D. Roosevelt 28% 30697 votes

Kennedy 12% 12881 votes

Reagan 15% 16438 votes

Now this is hardly scientific, the link to the poll was next to an article memorializing Ronald Reagan. You could not add any candidates, but had to choose from the listed five. So, you couldn't vote for say Adams or our thirteenth President, the great Millard Fillmore.

But the topic is certainly worth a debate. Who do you think was the greatest President?

on Jun 07, 2004
I don't really care and I suppose, as a foreigner, it's not my place to say anyway.

But still, Kennedy? Why exactly? For his nice hair? For getting shot? What did he do that allows him to be put in the same bracket as historically significant men like FDR, Lincoln and Washington? Not saying these guys were angels, but they were certainly important.
on Jun 07, 2004
I would say Kennedy would win the award for most sexually active President, but Lincoln would receive the award for best President. Ironically, both were shot in the head.
on Jun 17, 2004
Kennedy's accomplishments:

Civil rights legislation, establishing the Peace Corps and the Alliance for Peace and the US Space Program. He gave what is arguably the best Inaugural Address including the famous quote: "Ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country." Confronting Communism in Berlin and Cuba.


Began the US intervention in Vietnam. The Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.

I would say that JFK offered a vision of a better America and gave hope and direction to a generation. He was a captivating speaker and, if Reagan is the Father of Modern Conservatism, Kennedy fulfilled the same role for modern Liberalism.
on Jun 17, 2004

I'm Canadian, but I've always been interested in American politics. When I was a little kid we had two small bronze busts of Washington and Lincoln in our home. Mom collected a lot of knick-knacks. Anyhoo, I would often ask adults "Who do you like better? Lincoln or Washington?". So I've been polling for a long time. My pick for best president? Bill Clinton. 8 years of unprecedented economic growth, sound fiscal policy and peace in troubled times. He came from humble beginnings and a dysfunctional family and rose to the top. We won't see another like him in my lifetime. OK, maybe he's not in the same league with Washington, Lincoln, and FDR, but I think he ranks ahead of Kennedy, Reagan, and Johnson.