Can Hamas be brought to the peace table?
I read an interesting article in Time Magazine today entitled "Inside the War on Hamas." I have linked to it below.
Two things are apparent to me:
1- Under the current state of affairs, no real peace process can go forward without the active participation of Hamas. I don't just mean peace between Israel and the Palestinians, I mean peace in the entire region. Please note also that I began by saying "Under the current state of affairs."
2- Hamas has little or no incentive to participate in any such process. Their power can perhaps be only used to derail any process.
It would be very naive to think that Hamas is not actively associated with Al Queda and other terrorist organizations. They are certainly well funded and well supplied. No shortage of bombs or money. So we are looking at a powerful organization, with perhaps billions of dollars in funding and an international reach
Within the Occupied Territories Hamas exerts tremendous political power. Would the organization and its leaders retain this power if a peaceful accord was reached? Unlikely. Of course, Israel's former Prime Minister Menachim Begin was part of an organization that committed acts of terrorism against the British and later assumed power in a legitimate government, so there is a possibility. But the degree of power is quite different. Hamas leaders basically have the power of life and death within their enclaves.
Having said that, what would compel them to yield this power to a civilian government? I pose this as a question, but would not be surprised if the only answer was brute force, probably international is scope. Maybe someone will see an answer that I don't.