Embattled Pol Steps Down
Published on July 4, 2009 By Larry Kuperman In Republican

On the first day of the long 4th of July Holiday weekend, a day no doubt chosen to minimize press scrutiny, Sarah Palin announced that she would serve out her elected term of office, but would instead turn the reins over to the state's Lieutenant Governor, Sean Parnell. She stated in her resignation speech that one of the factors motivating her resignation was the high cost to both the state and to the Palin family of defending her against the 15 ethics complaints that had been brought against her in the two and and a half years since she had assumed office and added that her continued service would not be "best for Alaska." (I am only quoting part of her remarks, but lest I be accused of taking them out of context, please see http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/2009/07/full-text-of-palins-resignation-speech.php for the complete and unedited transcript of her speech.)

Ms. Palin's resignation came one day after MSNBC journalist Keith Olbermann had published a series of emails in which then Govenor Palin had tried to get John McCain's campaign manager, Steve Schmidt, to lie on her behalf during the last campaign in order to cover up Todd Palin's long-time membership in the secessionist Alaska Independence Party:

"Please get in front of that ridiculous issue that's cropped up all day today - two reporters, a protester's sign, and many shout-outs all claiming Todd's involvement in an anti-American political party. It's bull, and I don't want to have to keep reacting to it...Pls have statement given on this so it's put to bed."
[October 15th 2008, Gov Palin email to Steve Schmidt, Source CBS News]

"Ignore it. He was a member of the AIP? My understanding is yes. That is part of their platform. Do not engage the protesters. If a reporter asks say it is ridiculous. Todd loves America."
[October 15th 2008, Steve Schmidt email to Gov. Palin, Source CBS News]

"That's not part of their platform and he was only a member BC Independent Alaskans too often check that Alaska Independent box on voter registrations thinking it just means non partisan. He caught his error when changing our address and checked the right box. I still want it fixed."
[October 15th 2008, Gov. Palin email to Steve Schmidt, Source CBS News]

"Secession, it is their entire reason for existence. A cursory examination of the website shows that the party exists for the purpose of seceding from the Union. That is the stated goal on the front page of the website. Our records indicate that Todd was a member for seven years. If this is incorrect then we need to understand the discrepancy. The statement you are suggesting be released would be inaccurate. [sic] The inaccuracy [sic] would bring greater media attention to this matter and be a distraction. According to your staff there have been no media inquiries into this and you received no questions about it during your interviews. If you are asked about it you should smile and say many Alaskans who love their country join the party because it speaks [sic] to a tradition of political independence. Todd loves his country. We will not put out a statement and inflame this and create a situation where John has to address this."
[October 15th 2008, Steve Schmidt email to Gov. Palin, Source CBS News]

Recently, she has even come under fire from Conservative columnists and bloggers. For example, this post comes from the Drudge Report site commenting onthe recent Vanity Fair article "It Came From Wasilla": "Despite her disastrous performance in the 2008 election, Sarah Palin is still the sexiest brand in Republican politics, with a lucrative book contract for her story. But what Alaska's charismatic governor wants the public to know about herself doesn't always jibe with reality."

Charles Krauthammer speaking on Fox News more or less completely dismissed Me. Palin her as a seriousl candidate for President:

"Now, as to Palin, I agree entirely with what Mara [Liasson] said -- she is, she has star power without any doubt, she has an extremely devoted following, but she is not a serious candidate for the presidency."

"She had to go home and study and spend a lot of the time on issues with which she was not adept last year. And she hasn't."

"She has to stop speaking in cliches and platitudes. It won't work. It could work for eight weeks if you're the No. 2 candidate, as she was last year. But even so, she got singed a lot in that campaign. You cannot sustain a campaign of platitudes and clichés over a year and a half if you’re running for the presidency."

Having stepped down as Govenor of Alaska, she has more or less lost her platform for any Presidential attempt. I am certain that she will still make an attempt at the office, further widening the divide between economic and political conservatives and social conservatives. And as a Liberal Democrat, I must acknowledge that I welcome the divisiveness that she will bring to the primaries.

How long, would you guess, before Sarah Palin is the host of a right-wing talk show?


Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 04, 2009

For anyone who wants more links:

Full transcript of Palin's resignation (previously cited) : http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/2009/07/full-text-of-palins-resignation-speech.php

Time Magazine "Why Sarah Palin Quit": http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1908669,00.html?xid=rss-topstories

Email transcripts (and, yes, I know it it Daily Kos, so wash your hand's afterwards): http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2009/7/3/749632/-Olbermanns-Countdown-publishes-emailson-same-day-Palin-resigns-as-Gov.-Is-there-a-connection-

Charles Krauthammer: http://crooksandliars.com/david-neiwert/krauthammer-voices-beltway-view-pali

Vanity Fair's article, "It Came From Wasilla: http://www.vanityfair.com/politics/features/2009/08/sarah-palin200908



on Jul 04, 2009

Oh, and my September 5th, 2008 article comparing Sarah Palin to Tom Eagleton: http://kupe.joeuser.com/article/323411/Sarah_Palin_Republican_Eagleton

That was written BEFORE 60% of the electorate said in exit polls that they thought she was unfit for office.

on Jul 05, 2009

a day no doubt chosen to minimize press scrutiny

Said (written) with an apparently totally straight face.  Has to be one of the funniest unintentional jokes in a long time.

I expected you to return and dump some more crap on your favorite politician, and you've not let me down.

You really do protest too much.  And there never was a valid comparison between her & Eagleton.  Still isn't, so I don't see how you think that article is anything to gloat about.

on Jul 05, 2009

I, and most of us reading this, don't live in Alaska, so this is supposed to be important how? Last I checked the governer of Alaska means nothing to me.

on Jul 05, 2009

Havent heard anything from Larry since, well, since Palin first announced for VP. We need more objective, fair, and non partisan people like Larry on the internet.

on Jul 06, 2009

the "friday afternoon news dump" is oldschool politics...she did it, lots of people do it...big whoop. 

if she's lookin to make money as a private citizen...smart move.

if she's lookin to raise money for an upcoming defense on embezzlement charges that are more likely than not to be leveled...possibly smart...but the politics of it all could end up biting her in the butt. 

if she thinks she has a prayer in 2012 as the banner ad below (as i am reading)  would unofficially indicate...dumb move. 

sarah tends to act just like the right wingers round here...talkin in circles and platitudes,,,,lashing out at others while playing the victim and ignoring facts as often as possible. and afraid of dissenting views. 



on Jul 06, 2009

Why are liberals sooo afraid of her? Interesting.

on Jul 06, 2009

Why are liberals sooo afraid of her? Interesting.

Since we're in that ballpark boy-o...why is it that people like you are so pretentious? It's unbelievably annoying. Really, come on...

Be well, ~Alderic

on Jul 07, 2009

To address Nitro's question, far from being afraid of her, Liberals love Sarah! She is a divisive element in Republican politics, unlikely to attract Conservative elements within the Democratic party or swing voters. In fact, there are many elements in the Republican party, sometimes called RINOs by their detractors, who would rather vote for the Democrat candidate than to vote for any ticket with Gov. Palin on it.

Le me offer this thought. If John McCain had selected Mitt Romney as his running mate, McCain would be President today.

on Jul 07, 2009

I think she is becoming the next president of Honduras.

on Jul 07, 2009

Le me offer this thought. If John McCain had selected Mitt Romney as his running mate, McCain would be President today.

I think so too.

I think he was forced to select Palin to placate the Republican right-wing.

Mitt Romney would have been an excellent candidate.

(Although I would have been ecstatic if he had chosen Joe Liebermann.)

on Jul 07, 2009

While I agree that Todd's association with the AIP is going to be a major stumbling block, she still has a shot as Obama was able to prove with his connections.  While I know the Liberals are gleefully celebrating Palin's resignation I think they are VERY concerned about what her plans are.

It is highly doubtful that Palin stepped down as a result of these emails.  This is pathetically lame but not surprising coming from the leftist opinionist Olbermann (he is HARDLY a journalist). 

I find it rather peculiar, Larry, that you omit the fact that the rulings of ALL 15 ethics complaints ALL came out in Palin's favor.  Why is that?  Liberals have constantly gone after her and according to Palin's resignation speech has cost the state around $2million in these failed complaints. These complaints have put her in the hole a half a mil. in legal fees.  It seems to me that the liberals were trying to bankrupt Palin and they were winning.  This is utterly disgraceful!



on Jul 07, 2009

Le me offer this thought. If John McCain had selected Mitt Romney as his running mate, McCain would be President today.

Pure speculation.  Let me counter with mine.  If McCain hadn't chosen Palin he would have lost by a landslide. 

Palin drew larger crowds than Romney did and considering the length Romney was in the lime light it's a long shot to suggest Romney would have helped McCain's ticket more than Palin did.

on Jul 07, 2009

Palin drew larger crowds than Romney did and considering the length Romney was in the lime light it's a long shot to suggest Romney would have helped McCain's ticket more than Palin did.

I don't think so. There were many Hillary supporters who were very unhappy with Obama.

But they hated Palin for some reason or another.

But none of Hillary's supporters had a real problem with John McCain, whose qualities (for a Republican) they always acknowledged.

I guess McCain should have chosen Hillary as vice-presidential candidate. Wouldn't have been a bad team either.

on Jul 07, 2009

Why are liberals sooo afraid of her? Interesting.

Since we're in that ballpark boy-o...why is it that people like you are so pretentious? It's unbelievably annoying. Really, come on...

Be well, ~Alderic

ROTFLMAO. When have you seen me write an article or even give Palin any real support? If I'm pretentious it's because liberals (like yourself) can't shut up about here and let her fade away. Oh that's right you're a Libertarian, I have to keep reminding myself, since your posts rarely reflect those viewpoints.

far from being afraid of her, Liberals love Sarah! She is a divisive element in Republican politics, unlikely to attract Conservative elements within the Democratic party or swing voters.

You might be correct, however it also exposes a big flaw in the Democratic party, you know the party of inclusion. It's that rabid hatred of anyone that doesn't agree in lock-step with the party. The evilness of trying to destroy someone so throughly, you'd think it was a motion picture. The clothes are definitely off the Emperor, and many of it's own members are seeing it first hand.

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