Embattled Pol Steps Down
Published on July 4, 2009 By Larry Kuperman In Republican

On the first day of the long 4th of July Holiday weekend, a day no doubt chosen to minimize press scrutiny, Sarah Palin announced that she would serve out her elected term of office, but would instead turn the reins over to the state's Lieutenant Governor, Sean Parnell. She stated in her resignation speech that one of the factors motivating her resignation was the high cost to both the state and to the Palin family of defending her against the 15 ethics complaints that had been brought against her in the two and and a half years since she had assumed office and added that her continued service would not be "best for Alaska." (I am only quoting part of her remarks, but lest I be accused of taking them out of context, please see http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/2009/07/full-text-of-palins-resignation-speech.php for the complete and unedited transcript of her speech.)

Ms. Palin's resignation came one day after MSNBC journalist Keith Olbermann had published a series of emails in which then Govenor Palin had tried to get John McCain's campaign manager, Steve Schmidt, to lie on her behalf during the last campaign in order to cover up Todd Palin's long-time membership in the secessionist Alaska Independence Party:

"Please get in front of that ridiculous issue that's cropped up all day today - two reporters, a protester's sign, and many shout-outs all claiming Todd's involvement in an anti-American political party. It's bull, and I don't want to have to keep reacting to it...Pls have statement given on this so it's put to bed."
[October 15th 2008, Gov Palin email to Steve Schmidt, Source CBS News]

"Ignore it. He was a member of the AIP? My understanding is yes. That is part of their platform. Do not engage the protesters. If a reporter asks say it is ridiculous. Todd loves America."
[October 15th 2008, Steve Schmidt email to Gov. Palin, Source CBS News]

"That's not part of their platform and he was only a member BC Independent Alaskans too often check that Alaska Independent box on voter registrations thinking it just means non partisan. He caught his error when changing our address and checked the right box. I still want it fixed."
[October 15th 2008, Gov. Palin email to Steve Schmidt, Source CBS News]

"Secession, it is their entire reason for existence. A cursory examination of the website shows that the party exists for the purpose of seceding from the Union. That is the stated goal on the front page of the website. Our records indicate that Todd was a member for seven years. If this is incorrect then we need to understand the discrepancy. The statement you are suggesting be released would be inaccurate. [sic] The inaccuracy [sic] would bring greater media attention to this matter and be a distraction. According to your staff there have been no media inquiries into this and you received no questions about it during your interviews. If you are asked about it you should smile and say many Alaskans who love their country join the party because it speaks [sic] to a tradition of political independence. Todd loves his country. We will not put out a statement and inflame this and create a situation where John has to address this."
[October 15th 2008, Steve Schmidt email to Gov. Palin, Source CBS News]

Recently, she has even come under fire from Conservative columnists and bloggers. For example, this post comes from the Drudge Report site commenting onthe recent Vanity Fair article "It Came From Wasilla": "Despite her disastrous performance in the 2008 election, Sarah Palin is still the sexiest brand in Republican politics, with a lucrative book contract for her story. But what Alaska's charismatic governor wants the public to know about herself doesn't always jibe with reality."

Charles Krauthammer speaking on Fox News more or less completely dismissed Me. Palin her as a seriousl candidate for President:

"Now, as to Palin, I agree entirely with what Mara [Liasson] said -- she is, she has star power without any doubt, she has an extremely devoted following, but she is not a serious candidate for the presidency."

"She had to go home and study and spend a lot of the time on issues with which she was not adept last year. And she hasn't."

"She has to stop speaking in cliches and platitudes. It won't work. It could work for eight weeks if you're the No. 2 candidate, as she was last year. But even so, she got singed a lot in that campaign. You cannot sustain a campaign of platitudes and clichés over a year and a half if you’re running for the presidency."

Having stepped down as Govenor of Alaska, she has more or less lost her platform for any Presidential attempt. I am certain that she will still make an attempt at the office, further widening the divide between economic and political conservatives and social conservatives. And as a Liberal Democrat, I must acknowledge that I welcome the divisiveness that she will bring to the primaries.

How long, would you guess, before Sarah Palin is the host of a right-wing talk show?


Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 07, 2009

Why are liberals sooo afraid of her? Interesting.

Since we're in that ballpark boy-o...why is it that people like you are so pretentious? It's unbelievably annoying. Really, come on...

Be well, ~Alderic

The petulant one calls someone pretentious and annoying.  Wow!  

on Jul 07, 2009

ROTFLMAO. When have you seen me write an article or even give Palin any real support? If I'm pretentious it's because liberals (like yourself) can't shut up about here and let her fade away. Oh that's right you're a Libertarian, I have to keep reminding myself, since your posts rarely reflect those viewpoints.


You come across, often, as haughty and as if liberals are beneath you, inferior, stupid, etc. So yes, pretentious. Don't like the feedback? Don't wear it then. As for not shutting up about her, you're being an obtuse ass. In fact, I wrote an article about her recently where I wished her well, etc. I didn't demonize her. Surprised? I'm sure.

How have my points not reflected libertarianism? Oh, my bad, you're probably under the mindset that Libertarians are one way only.

on Jul 07, 2009

Le me offer this thought. If John McCain had selected Mitt Romney as his running mate, McCain would be President today.

He would have gotten one less vote from me... I can't stand Mitt Romney. Romney's like a Republican version of Bill Clinton. His stepford wife and village of the damned sons creep me out as well.

on Jul 07, 2009

The petulant one calls someone pretentious and annoying. Wow!

I just don't have tolerance for certain things, one of them being what comes across as petty and childish. I mean really - come one. Does he only have insults and other negative comments about liberals and others like them? Not like anything of that flavor is constructive, or remotely intelligent. Woooh, lets throw insults and trash them. Yeah, right.

Besides, I'm proud to be "petulant" as you say, since it implies to me that I've the courage to stand up for what I believe, instead of being a coward.  Or, as the quote goes, "I would rather face death with my beliefs etched in my heart, than silent and already dead."


Be well,  ~Alderic

on Jul 08, 2009

Besides, I'm proud to be "petulant" as you say, since it implies to me that I've the courage to stand up for what I believe, instead of being a coward.  Or, as the quote goes, "I would rather face death with my beliefs etched in my heart, than silent and already dead."



on Jul 08, 2009

I just don't have tolerance for certain things, one of them being what comes across as petty and childish. I mean really - come one. Does he only have insults and other negative comments about liberals and others like them? Not like anything of that flavor is constructive, or remotely intelligent. Woooh, lets throw insults and trash them. Yeah, right.

My original post:

Why are liberals sooo afraid of her? Interesting.

I suppose posing a question is considered pretentious to some? How insulting, isn't it? Talk about intolerance. This it the effect I'm exploring about many of todays neo-liberals (whom I don't believe are beneath me, BTW). Any sign of disagreement from their views is taken personally and then attacked, as you accurately express... intolerance. They often use an elitist attitude such as this "Not like anything of that flavor is constructive, or remotely intelligent", to make themselves feel superior. Brad did a good article on this perception months ago.

You come across, often, as haughty and as if liberals are beneath you, inferior, stupid, etc. So yes, pretentious. Don't like the feedback? Don't wear it then. As for not shutting up about her, you're being an obtuse ass. In fact, I wrote an article about her recently where I wished her well, etc. I didn't demonize her. Surprised? I'm sure.

My original post did not say:

Why is liberal AJ sooo afraid of her? Interesting.

Must it always be about you? Didn't get much love as a child? I guess if you consider yourself the self-appointed protector of liberals on JU (that sounds pretentious to me) then you have a point. My question was directed to the OP, you had not even chimed in at this point.

Yeah, saw your article about Palin, posted there myself, you wished her well...blah, blah, blah, great she must be on your mind, and no I'm not surprised as you are one of the less consistent writers on JU, IMO. Tell me why the defender of all that's liberal would even care to write an article about her? Why are liberals so fascinated by Palin? You can't have it both ways.

Oh and I've seen many Libertarians speak, you my friend, come nowhere remotely close (with what I've seen of your writings here) in sharing the same ideas on major topics associated with that political party. Again I post the LP's web page LINK to let others decide if I'm not being fair to you or not on this issue. Personally, I think you'd be much happier just moving over to the Democrat Party, they appear much more in-line with what you express on this site. Or you can try DU, if you find yourself more in agreement with the posters on that site, you should possibly consider a change of party. 

on Jul 08, 2009

Does he only have insults and other negative comments about liberals and others like them?

Answer the question for yourself. Here's a start : https://forums.joeuser.com/358578

I know misrepresentation of facts is a big component of the lefts political agenda, but who would think it filters down to their minions for personal attack use?

on Jul 08, 2009

I just don't have tolerance for certain things, one of them being what comes across as petty and childish. I mean really - come one. Does he only have insults and other negative comments about liberals and others like them? Not like anything of that flavor is constructive, or remotely intelligent. Woooh, lets throw insults and trash them. Yeah, right.

Besides, I'm proud to be "petulant" as you say, since it implies to me that I've the courage to stand up for what I believe, instead of being a coward. Or, as the quote goes, "I would rather face death with my beliefs etched in my heart, than silent and already dead."

Be well, ~Alderic

AJ, Lucas, whatever....

I wonder why in the world you even considered NC's comment offensive.  The article was written by Larry (not you).  There isn't a recorded comment from you before NC's comment, so I fail to see how this was written towards you.  Second point, you claim to be a libertarian NOT a Liberal as was addressed in NC's comment. 

With that said please show me how NC's comment was directed towards you?

As for being petulant:



moved to or showing sudden, impatient irritation, esp. over some trifling annoyance: a petulant toss of the head.


Me thinks you like to continue to play the victim card pretending that it is something to stand on?

on Jul 08, 2009

I suppose posing a question is considered pretentious to some? How insulting, isn't it? Talk about intolerance. This it the effect I'm exploring about many of todays neo-liberals (whom I don't believe are beneath me, BTW). Any sign of disagreement from their views is taken personally and then attacked, as you accurately express... intolerance. They often use an elitist attitude such as this "Not like anything of that flavor is constructive, or remotely intelligent", to make themselves feel superior. Brad did a good article on this perception months ago.


It's the constant attitude; I've yet to see you one truly positive thing about anyone that isn't the same flavor as you. If you can do that, then I will concede that I am wrong and even walk around for a week wearing a pink tutu.

Oi vey...dude, the comment about constructiveness and intelligence could be applied to ANYONE. It was a rehtorical, and rather sarcastic remark about generalizations, fallacies, venom, etc. that is spewed by those who oppose anything. In this case, it was aimed at your comments.


Yeah, saw your article about Palin, posted there myself, you wished her well...blah, blah, blah, great she must be on your mind, and no I'm not surprised as you are one of the less consistent writers on JU, IMO. Tell me why the defender of all that's liberal would even care to write an article about her? Why are liberals so fascinated by Palin? You can't have it both ways.

Why? Well gee, I think it has to do with something like maybe I was interested in seeing what people thought about her stepping down. I found it interesting that she seemed to be so gung ho about everything, and then she just stopped. I conceded that perhaps she really was just tired of it, but that from her past actions (etc) it seemed like maybe she was going on stand by before pursuing a possible nomination run. Then again I could be wrong.

Btw, I'm not a defender of just liberals; I would defend anyone. She was actually only on my mind when I happened to catch the headline that she had stepped down. Sorry, she's just not my type of wet dream. Why are they? Who knows. Why are people fascinated by that asshole Obama? Why are people fascinated by anything? I don't know, and I can't say because I am not all knowing. I can only guess.


Must it always be about you? Didn't get much love as a child? I guess if you consider yourself the self-appointed protector of liberals on JU (that sounds pretentious to me) then you have a point. My question was directed to the OP, you had not even chimed in at this point.

Did I say it was about me? Did I say anywhere that I felt insulted? No. I said I found it utterly annoying. My bad, guess you're not allowed to do that anymore. Guess you have to stop too.

I'm not claiming to be a protector. You're implying that. All I'm getting at....is why? Just as you infer through my posts that I am some wild and crazy liberal, I've inferred through your posts that you rarely if ever say anything positive about liberals/left wingers/etc. I could be wrong, and if I am, then I truly apologize for that and my knee jerk reaction.


AJ, Lucas, whatever....

I wonder why in the world you even considered NC's comment offensive. The article was written by Larry (not you). There isn't a recorded comment from you before NC's comment, so I fail to see how this was written towards you. Second point, you claim to be a libertarian NOT a Liberal as was addressed in NC's comment.

With that said please show me how NC's comment was directed towards you?

Does someone have to be black to find the word Nigger offensive? How about mexican and spic? I found it annoying, because it comes across like any and all of the pundits (on both sides). All they do is "yap yap yap," and generalize, etc. Maybe I just would like to see something constructive...rather than destructive. All of this crap, liberal or conservative or blue or green or purple or red...it all is fucking annoying. I would still make the comments I made, due to annoyince/irritation, toward a liberal, or libertarian or whoever. It isn't about me "apparently" being liberal, and it isn't about you being whatever you are, and it isn't about parties. It's about the attitude that really...really annoys me.


Personally, I think you'd be much happier just moving over to the Democrat Party, they appear much more in-line with what you express on this site. Or you can try DU, if you find yourself more in agreement with the posters on that site, you should possibly consider a change of party.


DU? Oh hell no, they're nuts. They make crazy people look sane. As for the Dem party - hell no.


But...whatever, to each their own. We're all going to continue throwing vitrol at each other and we'll still be screwed. =\


Me thinks you like to continue to play the victim card pretending that it is something to stand on?


Why would I want to play the victim card? What point is there?


on Jul 08, 2009

Btw...Nitro - I read that link, and admit that, while I do not apologize for my beliefs, I was wrong; I apologize for my largely knee jerk reaction.



on Jul 08, 2009

Btw...Nitro - I read that link, and admit that, while I do not apologize for my beliefs, I was wrong; I apologize for my largely knee jerk reaction.

There's others, I don't feel like digging threw them. also, I'm not looking for an apology.

I really doubt you know my attitude by the little I write on JU, by your word, that would be presumptuous. I'm not your enemy. If what I say makes a spark inside your brain go off, good because now your thinking. Am I bothered if you or anyone else agree with me, no, I've had both agreements and disagreements with others here that you would also consider conservatives. Some liberals too. BTW the terms liberal and conservative are not derogatory in my vernacular. Sorry if your offended, but that's your problem. I think anyone that reads what I write would agree that I'm a conservative, so do you suggest I try to "liberal" up my writing to appease folks so inclined? I'll continue to call a spade a spade when I so choose.

I'm glad you have beliefs, I'm not suggesting you don't or that they mirror my own. I've killed my share of threads. JU is an escape, it's not my life. If you let it consume you, you'll be a basket case long before you reach my age.

Try this. Take all the blogs you have written or responded to and save them to a file. Twenty years from now, take them out and read them again. I'm betting you'll surprise yourself, on what you thought was important to what was.

on Jul 08, 2009

With that said please show me how NC's comment was directed towards you?

AD that's what I thought, thanks for the feedback.

on Jul 08, 2009

There's others, I don't feel like digging threw them. also, I'm not looking for an apology.

Mmm, things have been particularly crappy lately, and though I'm not excusing my letting my mood dictate things, it's a starting point and all.


I really doubt you know my attitude by the little I write on JU, by your word, that would be presumptuous. I'm not your enemy. If what I say makes a spark inside your brain go off, good because now your thinking. Am I bothered if you or anyone else agree with me, no, I've had both agreements and disagreements with others here that you would also consider conservatives. Some liberals too

All anyone can do here, on the net, is infer, and I infered through your comments what I felt was an attitude where liberals and their kind are stupid, assinine, et al.



BTW the terms liberal and conservative are not derogatory in my vernacular. Sorry if your offended, but that's your problem. I think anyone that reads what I write would agree that I'm a conservative, so do you suggest I try to "liberal" up my writing to appease folks so inclined? I'll continue to call a spade a spade when I so choose.

I'm not offended, just annoyed and irritable. I find name calling, and other...things similar to be quite silly to say the least. I mean, and maybe it is just me, but when there is a debate...why degrade others? Like, "Oooh, those stupid liberals are afraid of _____" That's what it came across as. Granted, I was incorrect, but can you fault a fella for stuff like that?

On the contrary, you are who you are and I wouldn't want you to change. Likewise, I am who I am - despite others opinions - and I won't change, save for changing for the better. You know? Perhaps, the case is that just as how you (and/or others) have viewed me as being: A) An obama arse kisser Liberal loony C) Meglomaniac D) prone to victim mentality (the list, unfortunately, goes on) - I incorrectly viewed your actions as implying one thing or another.


Try this. Take all the blogs you have written or responded to and save them to a file. Twenty years from now, take them out and read them again. I'm betting you'll surprise yourself, on what you thought was important to what was.

I see where you're going with it, and I do back them all up.


If you let it consume you, you'll be a basket case long before you reach my age.


Hmm, wise words, and something I've had on my mind for a week or so. I'll definitely keep it in mind.


Be well, ~Alderic


on Jul 08, 2009

There's others, I don't feel like digging threw them. also, I'm not looking for an apology.


I still owe it to myself and you to own up/take responsibility.

on Jul 17, 2009

I only wonder what her next move is. She is essentially the poster woman for the republican party. Strong, intelligent, hockeymom, hunting, gun totin' republican

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