...or how we repair the world
Published on November 5, 2011 By Larry Kuperman In Parenting

My daughter, Lauren Kuperman, turns 17 this month. She is a senior at Community High in Ann Arbor, applying to colleges and is ready to start taking on both the rights and responsibilities of adulthood. With that in mind, Lauren and I went to the Red Cross this morning to donate blood. Her first time, my 49th since coming to Michigan. Going today was her idea.

As I have mentioned in the past, Lauren attended Sunday School at the Ann Arbor Jewish Cultural School (JCS.) As part of her education and as a requirement to become a Bat Mitzvah, she had to perform at least 30 hours of community service. Like many of the kids at the JCS, she far exceeded that requirement. She has been performing Mitzvot as an integral part of her life, helping with the repair of the world, making the world a little bit better.

I am very proud of her, of what she does and the person that she has become. The kid just rocks.

on Nov 06, 2011
It's a wonderful thing, Kupe. Mazel tov.
on Nov 06, 2011

Thank you, Daiwa. Hope that life is treating you well.

on Nov 08, 2011

Good to see you again, Larry.  And the best of all posts!  I have brought several of my children to my donations when they were small, but none have ever picked up the habit.  I wish they would.  It is not too bad, and you save lives in real time!

I just passed my 15th gallon earlier this year.  And they still love my O-.

Congratulating on getting your daughter to donate!  She is a testament to you!