Seasons Greetings to All!
Published on December 7, 2004 By Larry Kuperman In Current Events
I'm a little late this year, but let me wish Happy Hanukkah to all.

Although best known as a Jewish holiday, Hanukkah is a celebration of the triumph of freedom over oppression, a theme that we can all relate to. If you are not familiar with the story of Hanukkah, I have posted a link to my JoeUser blog which explains the history behind the holiday.

At this time of year, I encourage everyone to reflect on their freedom to follow their own traditions and how hard won that freedom is and the sacrifices of those that went before us.

The Blessings of the Season to all and to all a good night.

PS- W00t! My first post on the new WinCustomize!

on Dec 08, 2004
Chanukah Sameach from Israel Larry!