US Aid After the Tsunami
Published on January 3, 2005 By Larry Kuperman In Current Events
America has committed $350 million in aid to the survivors of the tsunami in Asia, becoming the second largest financial donor. (Japan, bless it's generosity, has committed $500 million in aid.) The US has also committed our ships, planes, helicopters and a 1000-bed hospital ship, the the USNS Mercy, to the efforts to help the victims of the devastation. President Bush has also enlisted the aid of former Presidents Bush and Clinton to help with fund-raising.

What makes these efforts particularly poignant is that many of the victims that will be receiving our aid are Moslems, at least in theory the supporters and brethren of the Moslems that we are fighting in Iraq. If you recall, the US was also the first country to send aid and assistance when an earthquake devastated Iran. These acts of charity are hard to reconcile with those who say that we are waging a "crusade" against Islam. I am sure that some anti-American voices will not allow these facts to deter them, but it is clear that the US, led by President Bush, is acting out of humanitarianism.

Once again I say to you that you should be proud to be a citizen of a country that gives so much to the rest of the world. Whether you like the President or not, whether you agree with our policies or not, it is incontrovertible that America gives with our heart and our hands.

If you are looking to make a donation, please visit the USA Freedom Corps site at Other sites, including that of the American Red Cross, have been overwhelmed by the sheer volume of people looking to donate.

Peace and best wishes

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 03, 2005

Why the title making out that America is 'saving the world'? This tragedy has affected the world and the all nations are rising to the cause, not just America. I think a little humilty in this terrible time would be a good thing.

Peace to you too,

on Jan 03, 2005
yeah, aren't we great? let's pat america on the back some more...

*moment of silence*
on Jan 03, 2005

Although I admire your patriotism and self-gratification on being a citizen, I must point out that 'America' is doing less than it should or can. The globe is pouring out resources, donations, aid workers, and time. It just so happens to be the United States, with her gushing coffers, mighty military, and poor global relations that has no option but to help (strategically speaking). I'm afraid your article smacks of elitism, and, as 'dynamaso' so poignantly stated: "I think a little humility in this terrible time would be a good thing." Even though I donated through Church towards the relief, I'm still driving to school and work, I still saw my family through the holidays, and I eat three square meals a day. So you will not ever hear me brag about my contributions, because I'm in good shape, and hundreds of thousands are without family, friends, businesses, food, water, etc. They deserve compassion, not bragging rights.
on Jan 03, 2005
I think the point is that the US does a lot, even for Muslims, who it supposedly is waging war against.
on Jan 03, 2005
I think the point is that the US does a lot, even for Muslims, who it supposedly is waging war against.

What the... I thought America, and the other countries in the Coalition of the Willing, were waging war against Terrorism? So, when does America plan on taking on Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan and other Muslim countries? I had no idea this was the agenda...

Just for the record, the point of humanitarian aide is to help those less fortunate than you, REGARDLESS of the their political or religious beliefs.


on Jan 03, 2005
America deserves this pat on the back, you treasonous whores.

Pat America! NOW!
on Jan 04, 2005
lol myrrander. yeah, it' could have been a touchdown for the us, but at least bush finally did the right thing. so, did everybody donate a little?
on Jan 04, 2005
You guys make a good point. As liberals and the UN have pointed out, the US is stingy and selfish and doesn't do enough for the world.
on Jan 04, 2005
Messybuu, I respect a lot of what you say, but you have clearly pointed out the tragic 'spin' that has caught the U.S. in a dizzy spell; we are not at war with Islam. This is not a Crusade, and we aren't waging war with Allah. We are waging war (supposedly) with terrorism, which includes groups from FARC in Columbia, the Taliban and Al Qaeda, the Basque revolutionaries in Spain, and ELF (the environmental liberation front in the United States). I'm not trying to kill a dead squirrel here, but those groups contain people from the Roman Catholic Church, Greek Orthodox Church, atheists, agnostics, protestants, Shintoists, and even wiccans. Personally, I would like to say that I wish people would set fire to Wal-Mart and McDonald's, but that would be illegal according to the Patriot Act. But in all seriousness, please don't think we are at war with Muslims, because if that's the case, I have a couple of friends I need to be informed that I have to kill or capture them next time I see them when they return from deployment.
on Jan 04, 2005
I never said I thought the US was at war with Islam. Others, however, apparently do, including Muslims themselves.
on Jan 04, 2005

I don't mean to be pedantic, but the following is exactly what you said:

"Reply #4 By: messybuu - 1/3/2005 10:38:45 PM
I think the point is that the US does a lot, even for Muslims, who it supposedly is waging war against."

on Jan 04, 2005
the US is stingy and selfish and doesn't do enough for the world

This is a matter of personal opinion and should matter to nobody except for Americans themselves. What they give is a matter for them and them alone. Any aid is a bonus not a right. Personally I don't believe this to be true and the UN made clear that people have read something into statements that was not there. Certain individuals (especially in the US, as well as abroard) were critical of America's initial $35M pledge and the delay in sending US ships to the region, but the US has since compensated for that admirally.

It's sad though how people on both sides try to use such humanitarian disasters to score political points against others. The whole 'We give more than you' mentality is awful.

on Jan 04, 2005

I don't mean to be pedantic, but the following is exactly what you said:

"Reply #4 By: messybuu - 1/3/2005 10:38:45 PM
I think the point is that the US does a lot, even for Muslims, who it supposedly is waging war against." You aren't being pedantic you are being dim.  Did you not read the word "supposedly" which meant that other sources have inferred that our war is against Muslims.  Poi Dog said we are "supposedly" at war with terrorism.  That tells me that "some claim we are warring against terrorism but I question that."

Paul, I couldn't agree more. It is very sad that we just can't look at all people as fellow human beings and help those who need it and simply be grateful for help we receive.

Also, as Larry pointed out, the Red Cross site is overwhelmed with people trying to donate. This is partly due to some dispicable charaters posing as collectors of relief donations who are actually thieves. Argh!! How scummy can you get?!
on Jan 04, 2005
Wow, don't know what the heck happened with that comment!  I can't edit it either so please know I didn't mean for it to look like that.  I highlighted the quotation and commented as I always do.  Don't know how it got underlined and crazy like that.
on Jan 04, 2005
You aren't being pedantic you are being dim

JillUser, you waded into this discussion insulting me. Good on you. I mean, what better way to hold an open, adult discussion. What is up with this behaviour? Messybuu wrote what he or she did and I responded, okay? Just for the record, here is another definition for you:

adv : believed or reputed to be the case [syn: purportedly]
Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University

As you can plainly see, the definition doesn't follow on to say 'from other sources'.
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