A long time ago I heard these words of Wisdom from a tech: There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who do back up their files and those who WILL back up their files.
If your are like most people in the world, you don't think about backing up until you experience some kind of fatal error. You get a virus, your hard drive begins to fail, etc. Then you scramble around trying to back up your crucial files.
I have learned form experience (read "I didn't do it the first couple of times, lost everything and have learned my lesson") how important it is to back up on a regular basis. A great peice of software is Backup Manager Professional from Genie-Soft. Home page http://www.genie-soft.com/products/gbmpro/default.html It can backup your most important files and settings easily and restore just as easily. It supports backups to any kind of media, including USB hardrives and CD/DVD media. I use Back Up Manager Pro to back up my mail client (Outlook in my case, but you can use it for Outlook Express, MSN, Eudora, etc.) It also backs up My Favorites, My Documents and more.
What I didn't know until this morning is that it will also backup WindowBlinds, CursorXP, ObjectDock and more through scripts. You can extend the functionality pretty easily and even write your own scripts. So, if you use Mozilla, Thunderbird or any of a whole list of programs, you can download the script. See http://www.genie-soft.com/products/gbm_shared/gscript.html for a listing of scripts available for download and http://www.genie-soft.com/support/gbmpro/manual/index.html?help/Backup/GenieScript/gs.htm for insctuctions for using Back Up Manager Pro and writing scripts.
Now, I'm off to put in a new hard drive. (Wish me luck!)