Experimental HIV Vaccine to Be Tested
Published on November 4, 2003 By Larry Kuperman In Current Events
Researchers will begin testing an experimental HIV vaccine on 24 human volunteers in South Africa, a country where almost 5 million people are infected with the AIDS-causing virus.

The vaccine contains parts of a weakened strain of Venezuelan equine encephalitis and a harmless gene from a South African HIV strain.

It is very early on, but with millions of people effected by the AIDS virus, keep your fingers crossed for the success of this vaccine!

on Nov 07, 2003
I hope it works or something is learned of value fro the test. I know someone who has it and I would like for her to hopfully live a longer life, not just for herself but for her young daughter as well.
on Nov 15, 2003
10 years is a long time, Larry. Let's hope it works and let's hope there will be a breakthrough for the ones already infected soon before that.