For we are their destroyers.
Al Queda should hate us. They have every reason to. For we are going to destroy their way of life.
Bin Laden should hate us. For he sees the inevitabilty of defeat. Everything that he holds dear is going to fall and be forgotten, except as a historical footnote. And he knows that he can only delay it but never defeat it.
All the little tin dictators in the Middle East should hate us. For we will render them as irrelevant as the dinosaur and just as extinct.
The winds of change are blowing through the Middle East and not all the suicide bombers in the world, not all the mullahs preaching from the muezzins, can hold it back. It can be felt on the blog sites of Iraqis and in the internet cafes of Tehran. It comes not on the prow of a US tank, but with every laptop and eBay transaction. It will come in the form of streaming video and iTunes and video games.
The despots will not longer be able to stop information from coming in or going out of their countries. They can imprison journalists, but as internet access becomes ubuitous, how will they stop a nation of bloggers?
What will the mullah in the mountains of Afganistan do when a young student says "I think that you are wrong. I looked it up on Wikipedia" except to go down in defeat.
They can threaten to kill Salman Rushdie, but you can't stop people from buying The Satanic Verses on
We face a generation of old men (old not necessarily in age, but in ideas) who are tying to hold back the tide. But the tide will win.