Do we need to wait for Super Tuesday?
Published on February 18, 2004 By Larry Kuperman In Democrat
So, Dean is done. Amazing that so many, including me, hailed him as the candidate. He didn't win one primary. He did galvanize the party and attract a lot of interest, but in the end didn't have "the right stuff."

It now appears that Kerry will go into Super Tuesday as the Candidate Apparent. Interestingly, with both Clark and Dean out of the race, Edwards seems to have picked up momentum. In one poll, 75% of the Wisconsin voters that voted for Edwards said that they had made up their minds in the last 72 hours before the primary. It looks like he benefited the most from the early exits of Dean and Clark.

Bush seems very vulnerable. Every day the White House seems to shot itself in the foot. Today the White House backed down from predicting the creation of 2.6 million new jobs, saying that George Bush was "no statistician." Sorry, but that kind of gaff would have me looking for a new Press Secretary. The White House seems to be making every effort to lose this election.

The polls, and these are dubious at best this early in a campaign, say that either Kerry or Edwards could beat President Bush. I still think that the Democrats need a "consensus candidate. Either a clear winner in the primaries or a unity ticket with Kerry and Edwards.

One thing for certain, this will be an exciting race.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 20, 2004
Wahkonta Anathema

You have to get the information somewhere, right? How hard is it to say "You can find the rull transcript here:" and copy the link? Then we can all judge the reliablilty of your information. When I google the things you post, I often get sites that use the words "New World Order", or "illuminati", and "Freemasons". I hope I am not looking in the right place.


Well, back to the topic.

AFL-CIO endorsed Kerry. It may not be the last nail in Edwards' coffin, but that had to hurt the day after his showing in Wisconsin.
on Feb 20, 2004
BakerStreet, this Wahkonta Anathema is simply making mere prophecies and not much else. I think you nailed it when "If you get accused of sounding like you are spouting prophesy, it is sort of because you are." Nothing has been written that has any substance. He was probably one of the many who beleive Y2K would end the world and now he has just moved onto the collapse of the dollar before election day. Please, don't bother posting such nonsense.
on Feb 20, 2004

Graham as VP?

"In another development on the Democratic campaign trail, Sen. Bob Graham of Florida -- who dropped out of the race last year -- said he would accept the No. 2 spot on the ticket if it were offered. "

It makes better sense than Powell, who probably wouldn't draw many African American or Caucasian votes. An easy win in Florida for Kerry would certainly make the race interesting.

on Feb 20, 2004
I think Kerry has a good chance. Edwards him-hawd arround the subject but basically said he isn't interested in being VP he is interested in being President.

As for the other side, I don't see Cheney being out of the mix unless his health prevents it. I couldn't see Powell wanting VP. I would absolutely love to see Powell run for President but I don't think he has any aspirations for the job. BTW, I think it is very racist to say that Powell would be offered VP just based on his skin. Powell is an outstanding leader and brilliant man. But I am sure that he and Connie Rice are in their positions because of their race (that was sarcasm BTW).

I must disagree with it being an exciting race. No nominee so far has been the least bit exciting as far as I see it. Colin Powell vs Hillary Clinton, now that would be exciting!
on Feb 20, 2004
Nader to announce Sunday whether he will run for president again

WOO HOO!! Nader for President!! Gah, if he does this again, the Democratic party is gonna put out a hit on him.

LOL, I'd bet Republicans are his #1 campaign contributors.
on Jun 10, 2004
on Jan 23, 2006
Looks like Wahkonta Anathema was entirely off base. Just an I told you so...
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