Do we need to wait for Super Tuesday?
So, Dean is done. Amazing that so many, including me, hailed him as the candidate. He didn't win one primary. He did galvanize the party and attract a lot of interest, but in the end didn't have "the right stuff."
It now appears that Kerry will go into Super Tuesday as the Candidate Apparent. Interestingly, with both Clark and Dean out of the race, Edwards seems to have picked up momentum. In one poll, 75% of the Wisconsin voters that voted for Edwards said that they had made up their minds in the last 72 hours before the primary. It looks like he benefited the most from the early exits of Dean and Clark.
Bush seems very vulnerable. Every day the White House seems to shot itself in the foot. Today the White House backed down from predicting the creation of 2.6 million new jobs, saying that George Bush was "no statistician." Sorry, but that kind of gaff would have me looking for a new Press Secretary. The White House seems to be making every effort to lose this election.
The polls, and these are dubious at best this early in a campaign, say that either Kerry or Edwards could beat President Bush. I still think that the Democrats need a "consensus candidate. Either a clear winner in the primaries or a unity ticket with Kerry and Edwards.
One thing for certain, this will be an exciting race.