Is it "true" art?
Published on July 24, 2005 By Larry Kuperman In OS Customization
I went to the University of Michigan Art Museum yesterday for my second look at their exhibit of Pop Art. Well worth checking out, in my not-so-humble opinion.

When Pop art was in its infancy, critics did not consider it "true" art. A critic, of course, is someone that lacks the capacity to create something, but has the qualifications to tell the artist what they did wrong. (Wry smile.)

Which raised the question for me, "Is skinning true art?"

Now I am rather opinionated on the topic. Commenting on the ability of Essorant's work to evoke feelings, I described Essorant (the great Tim Dagger) as "Like Van Gogh, only you have more downloads."

I am curious as what the rest of the community thinks. Is this "true art" for you, a hobby, or something else.

Lest we get into a discussion of what is art, let me offer the following definition, courtesy of

"The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colors, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that affects the sense of beauty, specifically the production of the beautiful in a graphic or plastic medium."

I would say that skinning meets that criteria. What do you think?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 24, 2005
to me yes, but not if it's basically copy and paste.
on Jul 24, 2005
Yes, it is...
on Jul 24, 2005
on Jul 24, 2005
Damn straight.
on Jul 24, 2005
Heck yes.

Beyond "gallery" style art, people already recognize that "Design" in general is an art form. Take a moment next time you are in a big book store, and go to their art secion. There are Design books published annually filled with award winning stuff from each year. If the shape of bars of soap, or a new type of hammer is art...

Here's a design group that I found through slashdot a couple of weeks ago. If designing microwave ovens and keyboards is considered art, then UI design is soundly artistic.

That said, is all of it art? Nah. But I have seen skinners that could make things that certainly were.
on Jul 25, 2005
That's Right!

The skinning is the best of Modern Art!

by TheRox (you can find my skins in
on Jul 25, 2005
I believe I am a self proclaimed artist ..and skinning is my best outlet for expressing my artistic cravings and frustrations, my computer is my canvass and skinning is my new found form of art.
on Jul 25, 2005
I have one of the best art galleries in the desktop.
on Jul 25, 2005
Thank you Larry! I'm humble all over again.

on Jul 25, 2005
According to koop's definition, me cleaning up my desk (or the distinct lack thereof) is art. And if a more or less clean desk is art, how can skinning not be?

Someone should take my desk and put it in a museum.
on Jul 25, 2005
Someone should take my desk and put it in a museum.

Not until you clean it up! Remember it's the conscious arrangement of elements . . .
on Jul 25, 2005
I wouldn't call it fine art, but it's definetly a form of art. If it wasn't about an aesthetic appeal we'd all still be using luna But skinning obviously has more to it than just looking pretty. Although I wouldn't call someone an artist JUST because they are a skinner.
on Jul 25, 2005
Anything creative is an art form. That would include skinning! Smile!
on Jul 31, 2005
I was an artist before I started skinning...this is definitely an extension of those skills.
on Aug 01, 2005
If I call a painting company to come to paint my house, they aren't doing anything artistic. If I hire a designer to tell them what colors to paint, it becomes art. Go figure.
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