ZOMG!! Y1d5 Ru|3!!!!
Published on July 29, 2007 By Larry Kuperman In Internet
The question of how many Jews there are begs the definition of "What is a Jew?" and also "Who is a Jew?" Questions that have been asked many a time.....mostly by other Jews. Being a Secular Jew myself, I like the most liberal, inclusive definition that includes....well ME. The biggest number that you will see is about 18 million Jews. This works out to something like 1/4 of one per cent of the world's population. So you would expect that our impact on the Internet would be proportional to our numbers.

Not so, bubbala. (A term of endearment, darling. Can you feel me virtually pinching your cheek? In a nice way.) The impact of Jews far outweighs their numbers. Lets look at "Who's A Yid?"

Larry Page and Sergey Brin, founders of Google. Larry Page's mom, Gloria Page, is Jewish. Sergey Brin was born in Moscow, Russia, to Jewish parents, Michael and Eugenia, who fled to America for religious freedom.

Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg, while he was a student at Harvard University. It was originally going to be limited to Harvard students, but expanded quickly. Zuckerberg saw the potential in the site and sought capital. He turned to Peter Thiel, a co-founder of Paypal and, not-so-coincidentally, also Jewish. Facebook is often rumored to be up for sale. How much is Facebook worth? Let me refer that to Mr. Thiel: "Facebook's internal valuation is around $8 billion based on their projected revenues of $1 billion by 2015." Founder Mark Zuckerberg is 23, or as we like to say, 10 years past his Bar Mitzvah.

Robert Kevin Rose is, comparatively, an old man at age 30. He is best known for founding Digg.com. Robert lost his job during the burst of the Dot Com bubble, ended up working as a production assistant on the show The Screen Savers He began appearing on air and stepped in as host after Leo Laporte left TechTV. On November 1, 2004, he started a site that combined social bookmarking, blogging, RSS into arguably the premier tech news site. Today Digg is rated among the 100 most popular sites on the web.

Scott Blum has been referred to as the "Sam Walton of e-commerce." Leaving a successful career as a shoe salesman as a youth, he founded Microbanks, a company that sold add-on memory modules for Macintosh computers. Before his 21st birthday, he sold Microbanks to Sentron Technology in San Diego for $2.5 million in cash. He would then co-found Pinnacle Micro with his father. Leaving there under a cloud of dubious accounting practices (he paid no penalty and admitted no guilt) he would go on to found Buy.com. He left before went public, returned to take it back private and it is now his baby.

RealNetworks is not the most beloved company in the world, nor is Real Player a favorite product. But there is no question that CEO and Founder Rob Glaser has been influential. When he founded Real Networks in 1994, at age 31, he was already a millionaire from his days at Microsoft. He has had a major impact on the Internet.

Certainly also worth mentioning are Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft, whose mother is Jewish; Larry Ellison, founder of Oracle, who was born on the Lower East Side of New York to a Jewish mother and raised by his great-aunt and great-uncle in Chicago; and Phillipe Kahn, founder of Borland.

What would the Internet be like with Google, PayPal, Facebook, Digg.com, Buy.com? It would be very, very different.

Comments (Page 8)
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on Aug 13, 2007
Here is a picture of ME when I was little. Just browsed it on a article.

on Aug 13, 2007
on Aug 13, 2007
I guess it was the wrong URL. . .
on Aug 19, 2007
Hello. I am new to this site. Just joined. I have an Ancestor who was a Hungarian Jew. And yes we should all believe and be proud of our Heritage. God bless David.
on Jan 05, 2008
Being 3/4 eg 75% Jewish ; I am in a quandry of exactly how much of a Jew I count for on the internet and elsewhere.
This is a matter of great concern to me as I like to be mathematically precise. I should also like to know is there a seperate tally somewhere for 3/4 Jews like me and how can I get on it. Thank you for your time
on Jan 05, 2008
You can always tell who has nothing to do.  
on Jan 05, 2008
Yes, but you can't tell tell them much!  
on Jan 05, 2008

More: RACISM/RACIST i'm sorry but it's dumb to talk about race about humans
English a nationality, Black white yellow a color of skin, christian jew a religion. and all of that it's HUMAN and there are only one RACE: HUMAN
At least you can talk about species in talking about different humans but not Race.
So pretend to be racist is dumb you can maybe pretend to be "specist"

Actually, and I don't want to get in a fight, the order is: Kingdom, Philum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species. So saying that it is the "human race" is actually the inaccurate one. Race does refer to nationality/color of skin.

"The Jews have all the money and the whites have all the power, and I stuck in a taxi cab with driver who no shower!"
-Avenue Q
on Jan 05, 2008
Well Larry, if you want to look at it that way, what about the impact that people hailing from China and Japan have had on technology in general?

I ask the same question posted earlier....so what? I have several Jewish friends who are highly intelligent and do quite well for themselves, but I have yet to hear any of them spouting off about "superiority".

Race, heritage, creed, color, etc. has no bearing whatsoever on what a person does with their life.

Oh, and by the way, I know just as many highly-motivated and intelligent people who are NOT Jewish as I do people who are......
on Jan 05, 2008
Can someone please stop this thread? I am Jewish and find this whole thing very upsetting. I thought this site was about skinning. How does this topic have anything to do with skinning? What role does religion play in this? America is obsessed with religion/lack of religion/who believes what. Can't we end this public airing of private values? What is this thread accomplishing, Mr. Kuperman? Why on earth did you start this? Of what interest is all this? Next time stop at a traffic accident and take photos so we can all vicariously enjoy the pain!
on Jan 05, 2008
What is this thread accomplishing, Mr. Kuperman? Why on earth did you start this? Of what interest is all this? Next time stop at a traffic accident and take photos so we can all vicariously enjoy the pain!

Oddly enough, this thread began on his own personal blog site at JoeUser, but due to the Stardock suite of sites, it's been ported to WinCustomize, too. I'm sure it wasn't his intention to offend you, or anything like that - it's just his own opinion from his own blog.

Can't go hating on him for that too much.
on Jan 05, 2008
"I'm a Frisbetarian. We beleive that when you die your soul gets stuck on the roof and you can't get it down."

Jim Stafford
on Jan 05, 2008
Can't go hating on him for that too much.

I don't hate him at all. I am upset that this is here. It has no business being here. Can't we speak about skinning? I thought that was the purpose of this site. Now I'm stuck on the roof, and at best I'm a Reform Frisbitarian.
on Jan 05, 2008
Dr J0622 a couple of the messageboard sections are crossposted across several Stardock sites. If a subject is not to your liking, then you should not take part. People on the other sites could equally argue your post has no business being here
on Jan 05, 2008

Nice to have old threads resurrected.

BTW, all this race, religion, blah blah, should be put into perspective, but, you humans are all the same...

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