ZOMG!! Y1d5 Ru|3!!!!
Published on July 29, 2007 By Larry Kuperman In Internet
The question of how many Jews there are begs the definition of "What is a Jew?" and also "Who is a Jew?" Questions that have been asked many a time.....mostly by other Jews. Being a Secular Jew myself, I like the most liberal, inclusive definition that includes....well ME. The biggest number that you will see is about 18 million Jews. This works out to something like 1/4 of one per cent of the world's population. So you would expect that our impact on the Internet would be proportional to our numbers.

Not so, bubbala. (A term of endearment, darling. Can you feel me virtually pinching your cheek? In a nice way.) The impact of Jews far outweighs their numbers. Lets look at "Who's A Yid?"

Larry Page and Sergey Brin, founders of Google. Larry Page's mom, Gloria Page, is Jewish. Sergey Brin was born in Moscow, Russia, to Jewish parents, Michael and Eugenia, who fled to America for religious freedom.

Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg, while he was a student at Harvard University. It was originally going to be limited to Harvard students, but expanded quickly. Zuckerberg saw the potential in the site and sought capital. He turned to Peter Thiel, a co-founder of Paypal and, not-so-coincidentally, also Jewish. Facebook is often rumored to be up for sale. How much is Facebook worth? Let me refer that to Mr. Thiel: "Facebook's internal valuation is around $8 billion based on their projected revenues of $1 billion by 2015." Founder Mark Zuckerberg is 23, or as we like to say, 10 years past his Bar Mitzvah.

Robert Kevin Rose is, comparatively, an old man at age 30. He is best known for founding Digg.com. Robert lost his job during the burst of the Dot Com bubble, ended up working as a production assistant on the show The Screen Savers He began appearing on air and stepped in as host after Leo Laporte left TechTV. On November 1, 2004, he started a site that combined social bookmarking, blogging, RSS into arguably the premier tech news site. Today Digg is rated among the 100 most popular sites on the web.

Scott Blum has been referred to as the "Sam Walton of e-commerce." Leaving a successful career as a shoe salesman as a youth, he founded Microbanks, a company that sold add-on memory modules for Macintosh computers. Before his 21st birthday, he sold Microbanks to Sentron Technology in San Diego for $2.5 million in cash. He would then co-found Pinnacle Micro with his father. Leaving there under a cloud of dubious accounting practices (he paid no penalty and admitted no guilt) he would go on to found Buy.com. He left before went public, returned to take it back private and it is now his baby.

RealNetworks is not the most beloved company in the world, nor is Real Player a favorite product. But there is no question that CEO and Founder Rob Glaser has been influential. When he founded Real Networks in 1994, at age 31, he was already a millionaire from his days at Microsoft. He has had a major impact on the Internet.

Certainly also worth mentioning are Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft, whose mother is Jewish; Larry Ellison, founder of Oracle, who was born on the Lower East Side of New York to a Jewish mother and raised by his great-aunt and great-uncle in Chicago; and Phillipe Kahn, founder of Borland.

What would the Internet be like with Google, PayPal, Facebook, Digg.com, Buy.com? It would be very, very different.

Comments (Page 6)
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on Aug 01, 2007
Kin242 and TwoWolves,

Excellent posts.
on Aug 01, 2007
A team from the USA or Canada wins the Super Bowl, World Series, Stanley Cup, and NBA Championship every year. People in the USA and Canada must be the best at football, baseball, hockey, and basketball.
on Aug 01, 2007
I'm Jewish you know. I'm on the Internet 24/7. I don't know why you would be talking about Jewish people on the Internet on WinCustomize. I kind of find it offensive because I'm Jewish. And I did not convert. BTW, I'm not all Jewish. I am mostly Indian and I won't let these jokes get to me.
on Aug 01, 2007
Before you yell at me for not reading the article I'm sorry that I didn't. I apologize.
on Aug 01, 2007
Clan? In my dealings they use the word "Tribe" as a kind of secret handshake so to speak to leverage any advantage possible.

Israel would not even exist if the poor, misguided, lazy, ignorant people from the nations of America and Britain had not parked a huge navy off the coast while the Jews resettled what they had claimed was rightly theirs after fleeing long ago that which was apparently not worth fighting and possibly dying for.

Israel is successful? Is that before or after you factor in the BILLIONS OF U.S. DOLLARS and U.S. WEAPONRY they receive yearly to keep them afloat?

Such a sad commentary on a "TRIBE" that has no shame.

on Aug 01, 2007

Before you yell at me for not reading the article I'm sorry that I didn't. I apologize.

I think it is quite important to take the time to read a post before commenting.

2 reasons.

1. You can mis-interpret through indifference and unwittingly insult.


2. You can comment irreverently/irrelevantly and appear a fool....

When someone casts an opinion it's always polite to listen...you do not have to agree...but you really do 'need' to listen....

The thread is actually in the correct place, as its topic is 'Jews on the Internet', [posted from Joe User]. ...



on Aug 01, 2007

Being agnostic, and Heinz 57, I always tend to throw up red flags when someone starts muttering about race or religion. More wars have been brought about and fought because of those two divisions than any other one thing through out history. Oh, there were the side subjects like land, and money, but if one digs into the subjects they will find where race and religion were a huge influences in the reaction of those involved in the conflicts.

I won't go into any diatribes on my reaction to the original post, nor the original posters later remarks. I will only say that I do not believe that the forums here have been enriched by the post, or the information posted.

Nuff said.
on Aug 01, 2007
I'm pretty sure land and money were the real factors, and race and religion were just for picking a target. i.e., I want more land! Those of another race/religion have land. I will take the land from THEM, because they don't deserve land. Only MY race/religion deserves land. And it would be very unpopular to the people of my country if I attacked other members of our race/religion.
on Aug 01, 2007
Wealth is an interesting metric. According to the Forbes list for 2007, there is not one Jew in the top 10. However, we begin with Mr. Ellison after that:

Larry Ellison, number 11, $21.5 billion.
Sergey and Larry share the honors at number 26 with $16.6 billion.
Michael Dell at number 30 with $15.8 billion.
Steve Ballmer at 31 with $15.0 billion.

Don't know about you guys and gals but with net worth like that I could settle for not being in the top ten or probably even the top 10,000, because that would sure help with the college loans
on Aug 01, 2007
"Reply By: TheJoost
Clan? In my dealings they use the word "Tribe" as a kind of secret handshake so to speak to leverage any advantage possible.
Israel would not even exist if the poor, misguided, lazy, ignorant people from the nations of America and Britain had not parked a huge navy off the coast while the Jews resettled what they had claimed was rightly theirs after fleeing long ago that which was apparently not worth fighting and possibly dying for.
Such a sad commentary on a "TRIBE" that has no shame."

Ah, now the true anti-Semites show up. What an amazing lack of historical knowledge you show.
In each of the Arab-Israeli conflicts of 1948–49, 1956, 1967, 1973–74, and 1982, the Israelis overcame numerically superior armies. In each of those wars, Arab forces attacked Israel.

But I won't bother trying to educate you. If the theory is that Jews network more skillfully than other groups and that is the key to our success, good for us. If we do it over and over again, than it is part of our culture and I rest my case.

on Aug 01, 2007
Ah, now the true anti-Semites show up. What an amazing lack of historical knowledge you show.
In each of the Arab-Israeli conflicts of 1948–49, 1956, 1967, 1973–74, and 1982, the Israelis overcame numerically superior armies. In each of those wars, Arab forces attacked Israel.

What an irrelevant comment that has NOTHING to do with what he actually said.

I'm not defending the comment just pointing out that your comment about who attacked who has NOTHING to do with his comment that was about (I believe) how the state of Israel was created by the Allies at the end of WW II as an appeasement for the losses suffered by Jews during the Holocaust.

I don't personally think that was an unfair agreement. After all, it's just a few piles of sand with no intrinsic value whatsoever. If it symbolically helped make up for the Allies ignoring a decade of reports of Nazi genocide, then so be it.
on Aug 02, 2007
There was no American and British fleet off the coast during the Jewish resettlement which began in the 1870's (first Zionist settlement Petah Tikvah 1878) well before WWII. The Israeli land expansion took place after each of the wars I referenced, during a period that spanned almost 50 years, which were won without outside support. Hence the relevance.

Saying that the Jews, who are as I have taken pains to point an ethnically diverse group, linked not so much by a religion but by a culture, are a ""TRIBE" that has no shame" is pretty clearly anti-Semitic.

Israel is not a "few piles of sand" there are major cities, ports, strategic trade routes back to the days of antiquity. Once again, you are factually wrong.

But, Excalpius, you are never going to budge from your pre-determined position. Facts will not sway you from your opinion. I say Jews are successful out of proportion to their numbers, you say no. I point out study after study. .0025 of the world's population, 13% of the most successful business men, 23% of Nobel prize winners....but you won't budge.

I say that Jews have a culture geared for success, you say no. We get the network theory, that Jews support each other's efforts. I don't really buy into that, I am not sure that there is any actual support that Jews network more than other groups, but okay, if so it is part of a successful culture....see my original point.

We get the American Jew thing. Okay, Jews figured out that America was the place to be as early as the time of the Spanish Inquisition and moved here. (First Jews in America came here by way of Spain to Brazil to America, landed in New York.) I say again, the hallmark of a successful culture. Came here, assimilated, brought the relatives over. I site the Ohio State survey, the seminal survey in comparing religion and success, that says that by religion, Jews are the most successful group in America. The survey goes on to say that this success is a result of culture. You say, well that is just one survey. I add the Stanford follow up survey that says the same thing. I ask you to cite any contrary surveys. That was like what? 60 posts ago?

We get the Israeli theory, that Jews have only been able to build the only thriving democracy in the Middle East because there is this fleet of British and American ships....I say "No, they won 5 wars on their own" and you tell me that my response is irrelevant. I can't win, can I?

Jews have been successful in every culture for 2000 years, except in situations where they have encountered anti-Semitism that has limited that success. Yeah, most successful Jews today live in America and Israel...that's because most Jews live in those two countries.

This is a perfect example of cognitive dissonance. You have a strongly held belief, you have come into contact with information that if accepted would cause to modify that belief. So you reject that information.
on Aug 02, 2007

YOU are the one who is not listening to the posts here, from me, Brad, anyone.

I'm not debating the specious studies using pseudo-Jews (like Einstein) etc., but simply pointing out that you are posting this information simply to associate yourself with other successful people in an example of a very self-serving, ego/pride driven effort to hear yourself talk.

I haven't rejected any facts anywhere. But what I have done is pointed out things that poke HUGE holes in your position, which you conveniently ignore and never ever refer to.

So you can keep posting the "ra ra ra go Jews" garbage all you want, but as long as I keep poking logical and reasonable holes in it, holes you continue to ignore, you are the one suffering from a cognitive disconnection here.

This is a perfect example of cognitive dissonance. You have a strongly held belief, you have come into contact with information that if accepted would cause to modify that belief. So you reject that information.

Don't you see the irony in posting this to me, when you are the one who this applies to the most here? Everyone else does, I can assure you.

Here's a more accurate discussion of "cognitive dissonance", since you've so horribly mangled the concept, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_dissonance

Honestly, your head is so far up your own ego here, you fail to see that I've never been about debating the studies you keep posting over and over again. I'm calling you out on other things entirely (see above and below)...which YOU keep ignoring.

Jews have been successful in every culture for 2000 years...

As have Hindus, Christians, Mormons, Atheists, Baptists, Lutherans, Confucians, Egyptians etc. And some of them have been successful for thousands of years longer than Jewish mythology has existed. Therefore, your statement is so generic and over-reaching as to have no meaning whatsoever.

...except in situations where they have encountered anti-Semitism (sic) that has (sic) limited that success.

Hmm...I wonder why...

Seriously, if you talked to your rabbi about this, he's advise you to stop encouraging antisemitism through your actions and words.

After all, nothing pisses off non-American's more than an American shouting "Americans rule the world!!!"

Actions speak louder than words and show the true meddle of a man's character. And it's ALWAYS better to have someone else tooting your horn than you tooting it yourself.

All you've shown the world is that you are so insecure and self-centered that you need to parrot the successes of others in online forums (on a skinning site no less) in order to inflate your frail ego.

And I found that inappropriate (for this skinning site) and kinda sad, so I called you out on it.
on Aug 02, 2007
Articles from JoeUser are often cross-posted to other forums, such as Gaming articles to the many Stardock game sites, and Internet to the WinCustomize forum. So regardless of where he posted it to, it's where it is now, so lay off the fact it's on a skinning site. I'm reading it on JoeUser myself.

The rest of the points made, valid or invalid, will not be addressed by this post.
on Aug 02, 2007
Articles from JoeUser are often cross-posted to other forums, such as Gaming articles to the many Stardock game sites, and Internet to the WinCustomize forum. So regardless of where he posted it to, it's where it is now, so lay off the fact it's on a skinning site. I'm reading it on JoeUser myself.

The rest of the points made, valid or invalid, will not be addressed by this post.

Moby Dick just got Harpooned!
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